Home Crochet baby clothesInstructions for growing candles - make beeswax candles yourself

Instructions for growing candles - make beeswax candles yourself

  • Make beeswax candles yourself
    • Pull candles: the preparation
    • Make candles from beeswax yourself
      • Melt wax
      • Prepare wicks
      • Pull candles
      • Reprocess finished candle

Long and thin candles are a must for every fall and Christmas eve. Whether as autumn decoration or integrated into the Advent wreath - candles donate warmth and coziness. Have you ever thought of making candles yourself ">

Make beeswax candles yourself

Would you like to put these yellow-brown and noble candle candles on the table for Christmas? No problem, in the following instructions we show you, from the preparations to the completion of the homemade candle, what you have to consider when growing candles with beeswax.

If you fancy a simpler method of making candles, we recommend that you pour candles. You will find detailed instructions here: //www.zhonyingli.com/kerzen-selber-machen/

Pull candles: the preparation

Candle picking or candle dipping is an easy task in itself if you have all the materials:

  • Wax melting vessel made of metal (old tin can)
  • cooking pot
  • beeswax
  • Flat wick of the thickness 3 × 7
  • 5 cm wide wooden strip and two bricks, or bucks
  • Scissors and knives
  • thermometer
  • Two screws
  • newsprint

Compared to candle casting, which only requires one mold, you will need an elongated form when dipping candle sticks. In the best case, this should be made of metal so that it is properly heated in a water bath. Online you can find such diving tanks from 6 €, especially since you do not necessarily need them. That means you can also find useful containers at home - old cans, for example.

The most expensive item in these DIY candles is beeswax. This is available from 5 to 6 € per 100 g to buy online. Do you have a beekeeper in the circle of acquaintances, this is certainly an even better address. As a natural byproduct of honey production, beeswax is a versatile natural product. The pollen gives the wax its typical, yellow color - perfect for nature lovers. With beeswax you can make yellow to brown candles without any color additives. In addition, beeswax is characterized by a long burning time - perfect for the Advent wreath.

The right wick selection plays a big role in candle pulling. In the specialized trade one differentiates between the round and flat wick. When using a round hole, pay attention to the running direction of the threads - the round wick can only be lit at one end. For candle bath we recommend the flat wick. Since we later want to pull two candles on a wick at the same time, the flat wick is the only right choice.

The thickness of the wick is just as important. This depends on the diameter of the desired candle. With a candle diameter of 15 to 25 mm, normal size of stick candles, we recommend the flat wick 3 × 7. This indication means that the wick consists of 3 threads, each made of 21 threads. The wick is therefore quite thin and perfect for thin candle.

Make candles from beeswax yourself

Step 1: At the beginning, you have plenty of space and a covered surface. Newsprint is made for that. Wax can be removed quickly, but this does not necessarily have to be. Finally, the candle diving is already a bit expensive. If anything goes wrong, here are all the important tips for removing candle wax: //www.zhonyingli.com/kerzenwachs-entfernen/

Melt wax

Step 2: Place the dipping vessel filled with wax in a water bath on the stove. You can be economical with the amount of water. The metal vessel distributes the heat evenly. At about 78 ° C, the optimum temperature for melting beeswax prevails.

Note: beeswax as a whole must of course be crushed before melting. This works especially well with a sturdy screwdriver. Partly break the beeswax with the screwdriver.

Prepare wicks

Step 3: The dipping wicks are prepared during the melting process. Cut a double-length wick that you want to achieve, and that can be done in the tank, and trim a few inches of addition.

We draw candles with a length of 10 cm - that means the wick has a length of 20 cm and an additional 4 cm for knotting.

Knot a screw to the wick on both ends. So the wick in the dip tank always hangs straight.

Pull candles

Step 4: Now place the wick over the width of the wooden strip - the screws and wicking ends should not touch. If so, you will need a wider wooden strip. The wood strip should either have notches in which the wicks hold well or you simply attach the wick with a piece of tape.

Once the beeswax has melted, the temperature can be brought down to the minimum.

Then immerse the two wicks in the jar. Hold them in the container for about 1 minute. The wick must be completely soaked with wax on the first dive.

Then pull the wicks out again and then wait 30 seconds. The wax dries slowly.

When the 30 seconds are up, dip both wicks back into the container. This time you can pull out the candles right back.

Repeat dipping with 30 seconds drying time after each run up to 15 times, get 1 cm beeswax candles. For a rod candle with a diameter of 2 cm you need about 22 dives. Of course, this information may vary depending on the wax quality.

The more often you dip the candle, the thicker it gets.

Tip: During candle dipping, a small lump forms around the screws at the end. Cut it off together with the screw after a few dives. The candle then has a straight shape and does not need the screw anymore.

Step 5: If the DIY candles have the desired diameter, lay the wooden strip to dry on the two stones, or goats. After that, the beeswax must harden completely.

Reprocess finished candle

Step 6: Now comes the fine-tuning. Now cut the two candles apart on the wick. The candle base, the drip tip is finally processed with the knife, so that no edges or lumps are visible and finished is the homemade beeswax candle!

Warning: Even if making candles brings the family together, you should still be careful. If you dive with your children candles, then pay special attention. The hot wax can cause minor burn injuries on the skin and should therefore be handled with care. Especially with constant candle diving it comes to small splashes or large drops. Therefore, let your children handle the wax only under supervision. Avoid melting directly in the saucepan - the heat of the hob is difficult to control. From 180 ° C ignites wax, which can quickly lead to a wax burn. The use of a water bath is therefore to be considered immediately!

Despite everything you should enjoy the candle diving. The beeswax will give you a lot of pleasure on cold autumn and winter evenings. Your children will love to pour candles. So let's just turn this traditional craft into a family tradition.

Tips for quick readers:

  • Beeswax has a long burning time
  • observe the direction of rotation at Runddocht
  • Dochtstäke depends on the candle diameter
  • Cover work surface well with newspaper
  • Be sure to heat the wax in the wax melting pot and water bath
  • pull two candles on a wick
  • Screws on the wick ends hold the wick straight in the beeswax
  • Cut the drip tip regularly
  • Use bricks or blocks as a shelf
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