Home Crochet baby clothesChange linen: as often as you should get your bedding new

Change linen: as often as you should get your bedding new

  • Change bed linen
    • Why switch "> frequency

Clean bed linen is essential in order to experience a healthy sleep without annoying lodgers such as dust mites. In the clean bedding can be found in a short time numerous invisible insects, bacteria, dander, hair and other dirt that affect sleep noticeably. For this reason, it is important to know how often you need to change your sheets to sleep soundly and recovering.

Change bed linen

Many people are unaware of the importance of relocating the bed regularly. Even if you put on clean sheets, dust mites and bacteria find their way to bed and multiply quickly there. Only the change of bedding can prevent this and prevent whole invisible populations from spreading. But how often do you need to change your sheets so you can have a good night's sleep and not put your health on the gold scale? This depends on many factors, especially the type of bedding, the person sleeping in bed and even the season.

Why change?

Bedding is like clothing daily on our body, so polluted and is a breeding ground for bacteria, germs, viruses and insects such as dust mites or the dreaded bed bugs. Changing your bedding at regular intervals not only provides you with a clean sleep environment, but protects you from potential illness. The reason for the accumulation of the health pests are the physical discharges of humans, which are the perfect breeding ground for these.

  • dander
  • hair
  • sweat
  • saliva
  • urine
  • excrement
  • more excretions

Depending on the number of people sleeping together in a bed, the number of secretions increases, which of course leads to a faster soiling of the bed faster. The larger the bed, the longer mites or bacteria need to spread. Yet, the danger of having an unhealthy sleep increases with each passing day if you fail to relocate the bed. However, you do not have to wash every day because it would cause high electricity and water costs and would be heavily polluting the environment. There are certain intervals that effectively curb the formation of viruses, bacteria, arachnids and insects.

Tip: One mistake that many people have made since childhood is making the bed immediately after getting up. If you shake your blanket immediately after getting up and spread it back over the mattress, mites and pathogens are trapped underneath it, multiplying faster due to the sheltered environment, which can be avoided if you do not make your bed until noon or early afternoon.


To create a hygienic but not a sterile environment in your own bedroom, you will find well-functioning rhythms to change your bedding. It does not matter if you use synthetic, silk or classic cotton sheets, as the pests can multiply in almost all environments. In general, it is said that you should change your bedding every four weeks, but that's not quite true. Many other factors play in the good times. The following points explain the recommended replacement intervals .


The season has a big impact on the body. While in the summer people have more energy, get up earlier and are more alert, oversleeping is more common in winter and the mood often drops to zero. Another effect depends on the seasons: sweat. As more is sweated in the summer, you have to relocate bed more often. In winter it is the opposite. Since less sweat, the bedding must be changed less frequently.

Remember the following intervals:

  • Spring and fall: every 3 - 4 weeks
  • Summer: every 2 weeks
  • Winter: every 4 weeks

Especially if you do a lot of sports in the summer and then do not shower or wash your hair, a two-week change is required.


If you have an allergy to dust mites, you should not hesitate with the change. Here a weekly change is recommended so as not to burden the body too much. Allergies significantly disrupt sleep and drastically reduce it, which can be prevented by the regular change. If you have hypoallergenic bedding or mattress covers, you can switch to a rhythm of 14 days. However, this is only possible if all their bedding, ie covers and sheets, are designed for allergy sufferers. Otherwise, you have to carry everything together weekly into the washing machine.

Unclothed sleeping

If you are sleeping without clothes, you should change your bedclothes much more often. Once a week is recommended here, as the body gives all secretions directly to the bedding and not the sleeping clothes. Especially tall people sweat are thus delivered to the covers and sheets. This change interval is independent of the season, unless you feel that you should change more often in the summer. Especially with two people who sleep together without clothes in a bed, the frequent change is necessary.

Overly sweaty

As with nude sleepers and allergy sufferers, sweaty people should change their sheets once a week, or in extreme cases every three days. In addition to dander, sweat is one of the secretions of humans that attract mites and bacteria particularly effectively. Therefore, it is necessary to put the sweat-soaked sheets more often in the washing machine. This also applies to people who sweat in the same amount throughout the year regardless of the weather.


If you are a smoker or passive smoker or work in a field where smoke is commonplace, such as cooking, you should change your sheets more often. Smoke can be permanently harmful to health, which is due to the ingredients. While cigarette smoke contains nicotine and tar, other types of smoke, for example, are provided with fine oil particles, which are also harmful to health. Although they attract no pests, but have an unhealthy effect on the body. Here, however, it is sufficient to change every ten days, as long as you take a shower enough.

People with pets

If you have pets and you let them sleep in your bed, you should think about a weekly change of bed linen. Pets not only lose much more hair like humans, but dander and a variety of body fluids from which promotes the spread of numerous micro-organisms and pests. Especially with very hairy dog ​​or cat breeds such as Persians or Newfoundland, you should pay attention to a good rhythm of change.


Whether you have just survived an illness or still suffer from one, changing the bedding has top priority. Recover protects against further infection, as the pathogens can accumulate in bedding due to sweat, coughing and runny nose. Change the bedding every three to four days so as not to delay the illness further. It is especially important to wash the sheets when you are well again.


Infants and newborns should not lie in the same bedding too long. Saliva and other exudates that can come out of the diaper quickly cause soiling, which can put a damaging on the sensitive organism . Weekly changes are recommended, especially in summer, but some children may need to change more frequently.

Do not forget to clean the interior of the blanket and pillows in addition to the above-mentioned change intervals. These should be cleaned according to the manufacturer's instructions at least once a year. The same applies to the mattress, which stays clean over the regular turn. Depending on the weight of the mattress you should turn it every three or four months to allow good air circulation and shape.

Tip: The frequency of change in dependent and elderly people is similar to that of toddlers, especially if you spend most of the day in bed. Make sure that you change your bedding once a week or even every three days, depending on your illness or state of health.

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