Home generalMake nettle in 15 minutes - fertilizer and help with lice

Make nettle in 15 minutes - fertilizer and help with lice

  • material
  • manual
  • Use nettle
    • Use against aphids
    • Use as a natural fertilizer

Various chemo-artificial remedies are available for controlling pests such as aphids. The same applies to fertilizer. But why should you invest a lot of money in such products, if a practical all-rounder with completely natural properties can be produced within a very short time and almost free of charge ">

In the late spring or early summer not only your garden flowers, but also the nettles flourish. Apart from the few gourmets who like to enjoy the herb in tea, few gardeners enjoy the fortified plants. They find stinging nettles in their own green area especially as weeds. We advise you: Do not let the perennials end up as organic waste on the compost, but rather create a nettle jumble from it. With its stench, the simple as effective home remedy distributes not only humans, cats and dogs, but also aphids and other pests. In addition, the manure through the extended fermentation process acts as an excellent fertilizer - and all this on a completely natural basis. Make use of these advantages and make your Nettle by yourself. We'll explain step by step how to do it.

What is to be considered in principle

Use only nettle weed to make the nettle. Flowers and woody plant parts are not suitable. Furthermore, it is important to take care not to use stinging nettles that already have seeds. However, you do not need to give away the corresponding perennials. Instead, it is advisable to thoroughly remove the seeds in order to use the resulting "pure" nettles for the manure.

Note: The reason for the need to eliminate the seeds is that you otherwise unconsciously sow the resistant elements with the use of manure.


You need this:

  • enough stinging nettles
  • big bucket or barrel with cover
  • Garden hose or collected rainwater
  • thick gardening gloves
  • secateurs


How to proceed:

Step 1: Collect as many stinging nettles as possible.

Tip: If they are not directly involved in your own garden maintenance, they are certainly found on wild green areas in the area. Always wear thick gloves when working on stinging nettles.

Step 2: Disassemble the stinging nettles with the secateurs into handy pieces. 10 kg nettles are optimal.

Step 3: Fill the bucket with the cut stinging nettles.

Step 4: Pour the stinging nettles with 10 L of water.

Tip: If possible, use fresh rainwater. Soft or softened tap water is also an option.

Step 5: Cover the mixture.

Tip: If you do not have a suitable cover for the cover, you can also use a simple cloth. It is primarily about keeping unwanted animals away.

Step 6: Although the infusion now fermented for about two to three weeks. Nevertheless, you are required: The mixture wants and must be done every day once vigorously.

You may be wondering what you should do for the effort of stirring. The clear answer: Oxygen is required for the fermentation process. By lifting the lid, this essential oxygen gets into the mix. And while you're at it, you can also put on your hand and stir it to ensure an even distribution of the resulting active ingredients.

Tip: As the biomass gradually decomposes, it develops a strong odor, which many people find extremely unpleasant. Therefore, you should not place the nettle in the middle of your terrace. But: The addition of some valerian flower extract or stone meal can significantly reduce the olfactory disadvantages. And in the worst case, a clothespin on the nose helps you to endure the foul odor.

Step 7: After the two to three weeks there is no bubble formation anymore. The manure, which has now assumed a brownish color, is ready and virtually ready for action.

Tip: You can use the nettle jelly throughout the gardening season. Store the home remedy in a dark room and keep the container always closed.

Use nettle

Use against aphids

To use the manure for aphids on fruit and garden plants, first take a conventional garden syringe to hand and fill it with the agent. Then spray the stinging nettle on the infested plants.

Important: Spray without exception on cloudy days. Do it in bright sunshine, threatening to burn the foliage.

Repeat the procedure at regular intervals of about 2 to 3 days. After one to two weeks, the unpleasant pests may have lost the joy of colonizing their plants. And you can praise yourself for having used an absolutely natural remedy for the lice.

Tip: Why does the nettle bloom at all? "> Use as natural fertilizer

If you want to use the manure as fertilizer, you must dilute it in the ratio 1:10 with soft water and then pour directly into the root area of ​​the respective plant.

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