Home generalC2C Crochet - Instructions for Corner to Corner / Corner to Corner Cloth

C2C Crochet - Instructions for Corner to Corner / Corner to Corner Cloth

  • Instructions: C2C technique
    • 1st block
    • 2nd block
    • 3rd block
    • 4th block
    • 5th block
    • 6th block
    • Crochet C2C rectangle

You are a hobby crook or you want to be ">

The C2C technique derives from English and means "corner-to-corner". The crochet piece is not crocheted in simple rows, but diagonally from corner to corner. In addition to the speed and the beautiful, loose pattern, this technique has other advantages: in this way you can incorporate diagonal lines and gradients. You can also crochet so triangular doilies and towels. Crochet C2C is so versatile - you will be amazed.

For the C2C technique you need the following crochet basics:

  • stitches
  • slip stitch
  • rod

Instructions: C2C technique

The C2C pattern consists of small blocks, each consisting of three air meshes and three rods. Piece by piece and from corner to corner, the crochet piece is worked diagonally from these small blocks. The result is an even and loose pattern, which is particularly suitable for doilies, shawls or scarves.

Below we explain how to crochet the first 6 blocks (three diagonal rows). This technique is then repeated over and over again. In the second part, we will explain how to make the crochet piece into a rectangle.

1st block

Start with a chain of 6 meshes of air. Then crochet a chopsticks into the fourth air mesh starting from the needle. Then crochet two more sticks into the next two meshes. The first block is ready.

2nd block

The next block starts with 6 air meshes. Then the work is turned around. Now crochet a stick into the fourth air mesh as before and two more into the next two meshes. Now you have completed the second block.

This block must now be connected to the first one. To do this, fold the second block to the left on the first one and connect both with a chain stitch. This is crocheted by the interspace which forms the three air stitches of the first block. If you have done everything right, the first block now has vertical chopsticks and the second horizontal.

3rd block

Crochet three meshes now. Then the three sticks are simply crocheted into the space of the airlock chain of the first block. The third block is ready. The crochet piece should now look like this.

Tip: As soon as you start a new block, always start from the last chain stitch. This should lie horizontally in front of you and you already know where the next block must be placed - to the left of it.

4th block

The fourth block is crocheted the same way as the second one. You start with 6 air meshes. Do the work, crochet the three sticks, starting at the fourth mesh. Flip the block to the left again and crochet the warp stitch through the gap of the third block.

5th block

Crochet the fifth block as well as the third block. To do this, work again three air meshes and three rods into the intermediate space that the air meshes form. With a Kettmasche this block is now attached again in the next space of the block to the left.

6th block

The sixth block works just like the fifth. They crochet three pieces of air and three sticks into the gap. To start a seventh block and thus a fourth diagonal, start again with 6 air meshes and do the work.

In this way you crochet now and again. Each new diagonal always contains one more block than the previous one. The crochet piece thus becomes wider and wider.

You just have to remember when crocheting: the blocks on the outside start with 6 air meshes and the inner blocks with only 3. Do not forget to turn around and pay attention to where you connect the blocks with a chain stitch. But you will notice, after a few rows this is very easy for you.

You soon realize what you can do with this technique. You can crochet triangle scarfs or even rectangular doilies. The pattern is simple, but beautiful and elastic.

Color change so that the thread is cut off and fastened with a chain stitch. The new thread is then attached with a warp stitch exactly where you left off.

Tip: And if you do not know what else to do - the pattern always tells you how to arrange the blocks. The orientation of the rods always changes.

Crochet C2C rectangle

If you want to crochet a rectangular ceiling using the C2C technique, you should read on. Here we show you how to close the pattern to a rectangle.

Since there is exactly one color change at the point where we go down with the number of blocks per diagonal, we start this series like this. The new thread is attached with a chain stitch in the space of the last block. We do not start this series with 6 air stitches, but with 3. Crochet the block as usual and also the complete diagonal.

Crochet until you reach the last block of the previous row. There is no crochet block on top. You crochet yet 3 air meshes, turn the work and pierce with the needle where our arrow points. Crochet a warp stitch in there. You have now moved your starting point for the next diagonal and skipped a block.

Now crochet as usual. Just skip one block with the 3 air stitches on the edge. This reduces the number from row to row and the rectangle closes - this is how a triangle becomes a rectangle.

The C2C technique is quick and easy to use and gives a great pattern, which also seems relaxed and supple - perfect for crochet fans who have little patience.

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