Home generalLarge indoor plants - 5 easy-care plants for indoors

Large indoor plants - 5 easy-care plants for indoors

  • Select the right house plants
    • Bow Hemp - Little light is good
    • Elephant Foot - Less is more
    • Dragon Tree - Fast Growth
    • Monstera - A big green corner
    • Palm trees as houseplants
  • Basic rules for large houseplants
    • A drainage layer
    • The fertilizer

Houseplants care for many people a book with seven seals. In fact, it is not always easy, because each plant has different demands on location and fluid requirements. How you manage to find and maintain large, easy-to-care plants is explained in our short DIY guide to large indoor indoor plants.

Select the right house plants

Plants are not only dependent on a good balance of nutrients and moisture, but also the location plays an important role. If the houseplant lacks light or has too much of it, it will react. Before you buy new houseplants that you can easily maintain, you should know the incidence of light. If the window is in the south or west "> Bogenhanf - Little light is good

It also works without a green thumb - If you really have little luck with large houseplants, then just try it with the bow hemp. The simple, tall plant grows to a height of 80 cm and beautifies every corner of the room. Admittedly, it seems a bit sad at first glance, but as a combination with several specimens and eye-catching planters you can also create an attractive ensemble with the bow hemp. Another advantage of this plant: It has the ability to clean the room air.

Visually it looks due to its long and sword-shaped leaves. These can be as adult specimens even up to 1.5 meters long. With various drawings the bow hemp or the mother-in-law creates a varied picture in the private office or the living area. Especially in combination with other plants it forms an interesting ensemble of big and small plants. It is one of the indoor plants that can do very well even with low light and survive even with little water.

Elephant Foot - Less is more

Again forget to water the houseplants ">

Not only the fact that this houseplant is very easy to care for, it also looks especially attractive between other leafy plants. It quickly becomes clear where the name Elefantenfuß comes from. The trunk of this plant is thickened on the ground and becomes slimmer towards the top. Here he stores the water for long dry seasons. The plant, originally from Mexico, has in the course of time become accustomed to the conditions of the climate and acquired this water reservoir. Only water it when the top layer is completely dry or even easier: twice a month.

The elephant's foot likes to be very bright and loves the sun. There, where all other indoor plants suffer from the heat, this plant feels perfectly well. So once you've got houseplants, put the new elephant foot here - in the blazing sun.

Attention cat owner!
Cats feel invited to use the stem of the elephant's foot to scratch. But beware! If the trunk is damaged, the tree loses vitality and enters. It's like punching a bag of milk. So the tree must be safe somewhere in the house or you have to do without this plant.

Dragon Tree - Fast Growth

Another large houseplant is the dragon tree. It is really amazing to see how easy this plant is and develops. In the trade, the dragon tree is available as a small or large houseplant. The small specimens grow in the living room to stately trees. Therefore, they should from the outset be given enough space to thrive.

Dragon trees are available in different versions. However, the individual varieties have one thing in common: A long, tall stem with bushy leaves. These long leaves form a pretty crown. Their leaves appear either plain green or with a cream-colored drawing. These luminous lines create beautiful contrasts and can also be set up wonderfully in a small group. The dragon tree makes no great demands on the location. Of course, bright lighting conditions are advantageous. Here, the leaves develop very well and, with a bit of luck, also forms further color lines. Even in shady places, it thrives excellently, because he does not like the indirect sunlight. And even this large houseplant prefers less water than too much.

The earth should be moist, but never wet. Between March and August the dragon tree enjoys fertilizer in the rhythm of two weeks. If the leaf tips turn brown, the air is about to dry, then just sprinkle the leaves a little bit. Even with mediocre care, you're lucky enough to almost watch this houseplant grow. In optimal conditions, even small offshoots develop, which you can plant into a new pot.

Monstera - A big green corner

Some rooms really come to life with a large plant. The window sheet is definitely one of them. Also known as Monstera, it presents itself with its large, glossy leaves. Generally, there are two varieties: The Monstera deliciosa as an expansive houseplant or the Monstera deliciosa Borsigiana as a slender member of this genus. It grows more in the air and climbs up on a stalk.

The window leaf develops aerial roots, on the one hand as an adhesive organ, on the other hand, they get nutrients and moisture from the air. Particularly impressive are the large leaves. Each one can grow up to a meter long. With such dimensions, this houseplant is particularly suitable for large spaces. The leaves have natural cuts. All in all, it can reach an impressive 2.5 meters and more! According to its name, the window leaf loves a bright but not sunny location. In winter, however, it may be rearranged in order to get the least amount of sunlight. If it has too little light permanently, the petioles develop in length and the leaves themselves are not very large. She, too, does not like it all the time. The window leaf is cast evenly, whenever the soil is dried on the surface.

Tip: Smaller leaves of the Monstera are an indication of too little light!

Palm trees as houseplants

Even palm trees are popular indoor plants, which are not always easy to care for. Basically, they need a bright location with several hours of sunlight per day. As soon as the cold spell begins, room palms also go into a kind of hibernation. Growth is clearly limited. Do not expect new palm fronds during this phase. The casting is accordingly severely restricted. As soon as spring starts, the palm trees need some time to get used to the sunlight. Palm trees like to punish the change on the balcony or the terrace with the burning of the leaves, which suddenly have brown spots. The acclimatization phase lasts about two weeks, which is optimal in a partially shaded place. The palm should only be pampered for a few hours daily with sun, is best the morning or evening sun.

Easy care is the Washingtonia or priest palm . Their regular stature height is between two and three meters, but it can be much larger under optimal conditions! It quickly grows near the windows and becomes a solitary eye-catcher, which is ideally suited for the entrance to the house or the staircase. During the growth phase, it is poured so much to keep the soil moist. As winter begins, the Washingtonia should be poured only moderately. The first layer of the earth dries off.

Basic rules for large houseplants

Plant care is easier than expected, only the variety and the different needs make the care a bit difficult. It is a common misconception that plants need more water as soon as the leaves hang or fall off. Usually the opposite is the case. The pretty plants simply drown.

Let's start with a simple rule that is easy to implement. We are talking about waterlogging . Many plant owners pour and pour in the hope that the good piece would be doing better. But the opposite is the case. The beautiful bright poinsettia drops its leaves, and the orchids just do not want to bloom. For a simple reason. You have too much water, which in the worst case, even at the bottom of the pot jams. The roots do not tolerate the constant moisture at all and die off slowly. The result is visible.

A drainage layer

Remedy creates expanded clay, which is given as the lowest layer in the flower pot. Attention, the drainage layer is by no means part of the planter! Buy with the new house plants so also a bag of expanded clay. Carefully remove the plant and pour in the expanded clay. It should not be more than two thumb widths. Then put the houseplant back in the pot and, if desired, in a pretty planter. Once you've poured too much again, first of all, the excess water flows off and there is no waterlogging. Second, the expanded clay has the ability to absorb water and release it later.

Necessary material for the care of houseplants:

  • expanded clay
  • watering Can
  • spray bottle
  • Flower fertilizer as a chopsticks

The fertilizer

Fertilizing can also be difficult. Too much fertilizer also harms each plant. If you're not sure about the amount, choose fertilizer sticks to buy at any garden center or hardware store. The individual fertilizers are already pointing in the right direction. The fertilizer is necessary to return the spent nutrients to the potting soil. Phosphorus, potash and nitrogen play a central role here. They ensure healthy growth. Plants are stimulated by nitrogen, which is responsible for the formation of chlorophyll. Healthy and above all strong roots are due to the houseplants phosphorus. Last but not least, it maintains its stability and the development of flowers in potash. For example, if you are not sure which fertilizer you should take, choose special fertilizer for leafy plants, palm trees, etc. As with casting: less is more!

Tips for quick readers:

  • buy a bag of expanded clay
  • equip each pot with a drainage layer
  • Use rainwater or stale water to irrigate indoor plants
  • Buy special fertilizers for each plant
  • determine locations before buying the plants
  • water-filled trays increase the humidity at temperatures above 22 ° C. Ideal for Monstera, Dragon Tree and other large indoor plants.
  • Palm trees after winter give a settling time of two weeks
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