Home Crochet baby clothesWedding Years Table - Overview of all wedding anniversaries

Wedding Years Table - Overview of all wedding anniversaries

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Overview of all wedding days and their meaning

The following overview gives you a list of all wedding days from the 1st to the 100th So far, only one married couple is known, which could celebrate the 90th wedding anniversary together - the marble wedding! This love really lasts forever, is like carved in marble and a dreamlike role model for all lovers.

This list provides an incentive for wedding gifts - often one can take the meaning of the wedding year as an inspiration for a gift: the wood wedding gives you wood, the porcelain wedding porcelain and the golden wedding is rewarded with gold.

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Overview - wedding anniversaries

Wedding ceremony - White wedding

The color white represents the innocence and purity with which every marriage should begin. As a start for many subsequent wedding years, the pure, white wedding offers a perfect foundation. The day of the wedding is also known as the Green Wedding.

1 year - paper wedding

Wedding gifts made of paper are now worn. The marriage can be torn up quickly, as fast as paper.

2 years - cotton wedding

Wedding gifts made of paper are now worn. The marriage can be torn up quickly, as fast as paper.

3 years - leather wedding

The marriage has already weathered a few storms and now presents itself as a tanned skin. It is becoming more and more resistant.

4 years - silk wedding

Silk is a noble material and it shines - as well as a 4-year marriage.

5 years - Wooden wedding

Wood is sturdy but flammable - just like a marriage after five years. Wooden wedding gifts (wooden spoons) are now worn out and must be replaced.

6 years - tin wedding

Tin has to be polished up from time to time - just as much work and attention is needed for a marriage.

7 years - Copper wedding

Copper needs attention, otherwise it quickly sets a patina. It is easy to bend, but is a metal and stable. The darn seventh year is perfectly symbolized by this metal. This must be mastered first.

8 years - tin wedding

Sheet metal can set rust - so also here you have to invest a lot of time and work. Nevertheless, it is a metal.

9 years - ceramic wedding

Gifts made of ceramic / earthenware must be replaced. After 9 years of marriage, this may already have some shards and scratches, but ceramic is solid and important for every household.

10 years - Rose wedding

The couple receives 10 roses, one for each year.

11 years - steel wedding

Now marriage has a certain firmness, just like steel.

12 years - nickel wedding

Nickel radiates in the sunlight and is very resistant to air and water.

13 years - violet wedding

On this day, of course, violets may be given.

14 years - ivory wedding

Ivory is very valuable. It is very consistent and beautiful to look at.

15 years - crystal wedding

Also called Glass Wedding. Wedding gifts made of glass are worn and may be exchanged. The spouses should treat each other carefully, as the marriage can be fragile. The partners know each other inside out - this is what the transparent glass stands for.

16 years - sapphire wedding

The blue sapphire stands for the loyalty of the spouse and the purity of love.

17 years - orchid wedding

The noble orchid blooms for a very long time - a sign of an ever-blossoming love between the spouses.

18 years - turquoise wedding

The ice blue turquoise should keep seduction away from marriage. He also stands for a clear view, which both partners have proven over this long time.

19 years - mother-of-pearl wedding

Resilient mother-of-pearl is growing very slowly - after that time marriage has also grown and become more and more stable.

20 years - porcelain wedding

The first joint kitchen service can be replaced. Porcelain is noble and beautiful, but also fragile. Even after 20 years of marriage you should pay attention to jumps.

21 years - opal wedding

The opal is very multi-faceted and rare - a marriage at 21 years old is just as rare and should bring just as much variety as the opal has colors.

22 years - Bronze wedding

Like bronze, marriage has achieved some stability. It can still shape and edit.

23 years - titanium wedding

Titanium is a very solid and stainless precious metal - marriage already has such strength. Likewise, one can compare the spouses with the Titans, a generation of deities from Greek mythology. Marriage is therefore stable and god-like.

24 years - Satin wedding

Smooth and shiny is the marriage that has reached this anniversary. Gifts made of satin are perfect for the occasion.

25 years - Silver wedding

Silver - a precious metal as a sign for a quarter of a century. It stands for gloss, value retention and strength.

26 years - Jade wedding

This gemstone is a protective healing stone, which in some contexts stands for love and peace.

27 years - mahogany wedding

Mahogany is a stable, slow-growing precious wood. A marriage with 27 years of existence has just such strength and value.

28 years - carnation wedding

The tough carnation needs care, just like a marriage. It stands for honest love and has an erotic effect.

29 years - velvet wedding

Velvet is a high-quality fabric that is both soft and sturdy at the same time. A marriage has exactly the same character after 29 years.

30 years - Pearl wedding

Slow growing pearls shine and are very firm. The beauty of the pearl can be compared to the beauty of the woman. Pearl jewelry is a perfect gift here.

31 years - Linden wedding

The linden tree was worshiped in Germanic mythology in honor of Freya, the goddess of love and happiness. The linden wood is a symbol of a conjugal love.

32 years - soap wedding

This anniversary is also known as lapis lazuli weddings.

33 years - tin wedding

From time to time, every marriage needs a polish, just as tin has to be polished over time. This anniversary is reminiscent of it. The solid metal starts and needs some attention from time to time.

34 years - Amber wedding

Amber stands for amber in German. The golden stone that has grown over many years symbolizes a long-lasting marriage of great value.

35 years - linen wedding

Linen is tear resistant yet flexible - these characteristics are signs of a good, strong marriage after 35 years.

36 years - emerald wedding

The green emerald is especially valuable and stands for luck, joy and success. Jewelry with integrated emeralds is of course best for the 36th wedding anniversary.

37 years - aluminum wedding

Aluminum with its gray-silver color indicates an advanced age. It is very durable and resistant.

38 years - fire wedding

The fire of love is still burning, even after 38 years of marriage. A fireworks display on the wedding day is just the thing.

39 years - sun wedding

The sun stands for luck and good times - on the 39th wedding anniversary is remembered and reminded of these good days of marriage.

40 years - ruby ​​wedding

Red as the color of love has now matured to a deep dark ruby ​​red.

43 years - loan wedding

Lead is also considered a very robust metal. It is very difficult to compare with the high number of wedding years.

44 years - star wedding

This anniversary is reminiscent of the infinity of the starry sky, which seems to come closer and closer to this love.

45 years - brass wedding

Brass is strong, strong and hard to bend - just like this marriage.

46 years - lavender wedding

Lavender smells good, is known as a love plant and stands for understanding. Whether as a bouquet or in the form of scented candles - with lavender you can make the anniversaries to this wedding day a great pleasure.

47 years - cashmere wedding

Cashmere wool is very high quality and noble - just like a love after 47 years of marriage.

48 years - Diadem wedding

The diadem is a small, delicate crown for the woman. It is reminiscent of kings and stands in this context for sumptuous 48 wedding years.

49 years - cedar wedding

Cedarwood is very durable and smells beautiful. A marriage just before the golden wedding is just that - long lasting and pleasing like a good scent.

50 years - Golden wedding

Gold crowns 50 years - half a century. The gleaming precious metal has been one of the most valuable substances we have over the centuries. It stands for wealth and splendor. A marriage that has reached this anniversary has become rare these days, making it all the more precious, just like gold.

51 years - willow wedding

The flexible willow wood symbolizes a marriage that was bent by many external influences, but never broken.

52 years - topaz wedding

The topaz is a gem that comes very close to the diamond in its strength. He symbolizes the loyalty and strength of a marriage of this duration.

53 years - Uranium wedding

Uranium is derived from the planet Uranus. This was used to dye ceramic and glass - it could therefore symbolize a colorful and varied marriage.

54 years - Zeus wedding

Zeus, supreme god in Greek mythology, was married to Hera, the patron goddess of marriage. The marriage after 54 years is therefore regarded as something very divine.

55 years - platinum wedding

Like many other metals, platinum is a very strong and stable metal that can be shaped. It stands for the marriage that was formed over time, but still held.

56 years - aster wedding

Asters symbolize dignity. The long-lasting flowers stand for a long-lasting marriage, which blossoms again and again.

59 years - tidal wedding

A marriage experiences ups and downs, which must be experienced. The tides reflect this ups and downs.

60 years - diamond wedding

The marriage holds, is pure and imperishable like a diamond. This anniversary is rarely achieved today. Diamonds are precious and just as rare as a marriage with 60 wedding years.

65 years - Iron wedding

The couple and their marriage hold each other as tight as iron. They have survived time together, just as iron survives the time unscathed.

67 years - stone wedding

The stone stands for strength and durability, but also a rocky path that you have to go if you want to be married for so many years.

70 years - mercy wedding

This anniversary is a sign of the grace that the spouses have reached together so old.

75 years - crown jewels wedding

Jewels are cut gems and adorn the crown jewels of every royal house. As for value, this anniversary is the most precious. After 75 years of marriage, the love of the brewing hair is an infinitely precious commodity.

80 years - oak wedding

The marriage is magnificent, firm and strong as an old and indestructible oak tree.

85 years - Angel wedding

After such a long time, the spouses can be compared to angels. They are not only physically but also spiritually connected.

90 years - marble wedding

Marble stands for eternity. This connection is due to the marble statues of antiquity. Who is married for 90 years, can describe his love as always ongoing.

100 years - heavenly wedding

Since it is unlikely that this wedding anniversary will be celebrated because the spouses will not live this day, they are only celebrated in heaven. But people are getting older and older - maybe a married couple will be able to celebrate this anniversary someday.

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