Home generalRefrigerator does not cool anymore, what to do? | 7 possible causes

Refrigerator does not cool anymore, what to do? | 7 possible causes

  • Possible causes
    • Interrupted power supply
    • Thermostat set incorrectly
    • Thermostat damaged
    • Defective door seals
    • Dusty condenser tubes
    • Damaged cooling system
    • Problems with the compressor

You have done your shopping and while granting the shock: Your fridge does not cool anymore. Instead of the usual cool breeze warm air welcomes you from the kitchen appliance. If the refrigerator does not perform its function, no perishable food can be stored, which will prove to be a problem, especially for large-scale families. The causes of this problem can be many.

The fridge is not cooling anymore and your food is threatening to spoil "> Possible causes

Refrigerators have various components that either wear or damage. For this reason, before using a solution, you must find the possible cause that is responsible for the lack of cooling capacity. However, before you locate the cause, you should empty the refrigerator and store the perishable food in coolers, coolers, or other refrigerators if you have more than one appliance. There are seven typical causes of a malfunctioning cooling system, each of which must be remedied differently.

Interrupted power supply

The fridge does not cool anymore, but you were not out of the house for a long time or took a bath? If the refrigerator does not cool down from one moment to the next, it may be due to an interrupted power supply. When it is restored, the device will work properly, but first you need to find out what is breaking the power. The following causes could be the reason:

1. Is the cable correctly plugged in?>

3. Check the fuse box, especially after a power failure. The fuse should be actuated so that the power supply is possible at all. If the switch for the kitchen or the room, by keeping your refrigerator, is wrong, press it for the fuse to be "in" again.

4. Maybe it's the power outlet? Try another outlet or check if the extension cord or power strip is working or damaged. Mostly there is a problem that can be fixed easily.

Tip: Often the cable is not damaged, but only kinked or heavily knotted. In this case, untangle it and make sure it is not kinked, for example, by hanging it upside down.

Thermostat set incorrectly

Did you perhaps set the thermostat wrong? Sometimes it can even happen that it re-installs itself due to an object, which could also lead to a warm refrigerator. Check the thermostat, that is the wheel with the numbers inside the refrigerator, whether it is 1 or 0. These are the warmest steps of the refrigerator. Then simply set the thermostat to level 2 or 3 to correct the problem.

Tip: many modern refrigerators completely do without a wheel as a thermostat. These are all done via digital settings that can not accidentally be set by mistake.

Thermostat damaged

If the thermostat is not set incorrectly, it may be damaged. If this is the case, the refrigerator feels a little warmer and does not cool even after re-setting. The problem: to determine a defect, you must hire a specialist, since the refrigerator must be bridged. At the end, this must completely replace the thermostat so that the refrigerator can be used again. The cost varies considerably in the price and is influenced by the brand of the refrigerator and the thermostat. For very old refrigerators even a complete replacement of the device can be recommended.

Defective door seals

Refrigerators only cool when closed. That's why you need to be careful that the doors do not open by themselves, which is not a problem for most. However, only very few people consider a defective door seal, which can arise during the years of use either through wear, violence or incorrect use . They detect if the door seal is broken when cold air leaks from the closed door. In this case, the cold inside air is replaced with the warmer outside air, which greatly reduces the cooling capacity. Then check the door seals on:

  • cracks
  • bumps
  • Foreign bodies stuck in the rubber

Alternatively, put a piece of paper between the door and the frame and close it. Then, carefully pull the paper out of the refrigerator. If it stretches, the seals are in order. If it can easily be pulled out of the door at one point, the gasket will no longer function there. These should be replaced, which will cost the expert about 100 euros, depending on whether special seals must be ordered.

Dusty condenser tubes

A refrigerator will not cool if the condenser tubes are too dusty or dirty. You do not know what the condenser tubes are "> Damaged cooling system

In the case of a damaged cooling system, the entire refrigerator often has to be replaced or an expensive repair has to be accepted, as coolant can not simply be refilled. Causes of a damaged cooling system include, for example, scraping ice or forming rust, which over time can lead to one or more fine hairline cracks or small holes through which coolant escapes in the form of gas. When the cooling capacity drops, observe the following signs inside the refrigerator:

  • quiet hiss
  • Blubbergeräusche
  • Cooling extremely uneven
  • Formation of unpleasant odors

If none of the reasons mentioned above is the reason for the poor cooling performance, you must have the device checked by a specialist.

Problems with the compressor

As expensive as the cooling system can be a damaged compressor. The compressor compresses the coolant for it to work. If the compressor is damaged or malfunctioning due to a fault in the controller, the cooling performance will decrease significantly. You can tell if the compressor is the cause by setting the thermostat to another level and then making a whirring sound. This whirring sound would have to be audible every now and then as the compressor performs its work. If this whirring does not persist, you must hire a specialist and have it checked whether the compressor needs to be replaced or just reset.

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