Home generalLavender care in garden and pot

Lavender care in garden and pot

  • Care of lavender in the garden
  • Care of lavender in the pot

Lavender care is so easy that even beginners will be fine with the beautiful plant. However, some basic requirements should be considered, so that develops a nice strong lavender, the article is one of these.

Lavender in the garden is rather easy to maintain, lavender in the pot (bucket) only when it is very large and gets plenty of fresh air, but you also get to know a room lavender.

Care of lavender in the garden

The care is pleasingly uncomplicated, if you can offer the lavender the right location:


  • Sun, sun, sun, Provence and all other areas of origin of European lavender are warmer than ours
  • A location with high humidity does not like lavender, it is not for half shady or shady locations


  • Permeable soil, lavender grow in nature on mountainous slopes, where there is certainly no waterlogging
  • Not in acid soil, most lavender grow in nature on alkaline soils up to the limestone cliffs
  • Lavender also needs such a dry, nutrient-poor, like calcareous soil in the garden
  • Soils with a pH between 6.5 to 8.3 are accepted, if necessary add some lime during planting
  • Exception: Schopflavendel, Lavandula stoechas, which needs calcareous soil
  • Heavy soils should be made more permeable by mixing in sand or drainage from gravel or crushed stone

to water

  • On the other hand, he gets along well with summer dry periods once he is rooted
  • Lavender is extremely frugal when it comes to watering and fertilizing
  • He only needs additional watering when the summer is very dry, otherwise the growth of the autumn flowers could subside
  • Otherwise, lavender is poured sparingly after rooting if at all, in case of doubt it damages too much moisture
  • Lavender should not be mulched, either, because the mulch layer keeps the moisture in the soil and ensures a rather cool soil


  • Anyhow, he does not need the fertilizer from the mulch, other fertilizers usually not
    • Only if a lavender really "muckert", you can give him some fertilizer, but moderately please
    • Some magnesium lime z. For example, some pure lime in winter and some good compost in spring
    • Too much fertilizer makes the lavender shoot, especially fertilizer with lots of nitrogen


  • To preserve lavender from early aging, it must be pruned regularly
    • This important section is described in own articles

For the lavender section, you will read the recommendation that lavender should be prevented from flowering in the first year so that it becomes beautifully branched and bushy. If the lavender is to grow outdoors in colder regions of Germany, there is a second reason for pruning before flowering: the lavender can develop nicely in order to get through the winter in a somewhat less friendly climate.

Care of lavender in the pot

The lavender care in the pot does not differ fundamentally from the lavender care in the garden, but:

Very often already drawn lavender is sold in a rather small pot . This is usually already completely rooted, often more roots than soil in the pot. Not a great environment for a plant, rather stress that prevents it from growing and developing flowers. If he had to grow too long in too small a pot with too little space for the roots, even planting in the garden should not work without problems. So you should replant such a lavender as quickly as possible in a larger pot or equal to its final bucket, so that the roots get earth and air to life.

Lavender in the pot is more likely to have a lower life expectancy than a lavender in the bed. You should therefore start in good time, from beautiful lavender by cuttings to draw offspring.

Otherwise, the same rules apply to care in a pot or bucket as for care in the garden. For one thing is a prerequisite anyway for the lavender in the pot to thrive in the long term: it must stand outside as soon as and as long as the temperatures permit. For the normal, European lavender (which has already been described in other lavender articles) this means: spring, summer, autumn and winter (possibly with protection) on the balcony, because a lavender is not suitable for the keeping of the room at all.

However, if you have created a good environment for a lavender in the tub, it will sooner have rooted the bucket so far that it needs to be repotted. This is not complicated, maybe a little root-cut, a slightly larger bucket and all around fresh soil.

Tip: If you have bought a real lavender or a lavandin or a cultivar of this lavender, but do not have a balcony (or garden), you should give this lavender the best. You could instead get a Lavandula x heterophylla of the variety 'Goodwin Creek', a well-known and particularly vigorous strain, which is frost hardy only down to -5 ° C, but is suitable for keeping as a houseplant . This room lavender needs a very sunny place, it is not allowed to water too much, it has to be cut once a year and then it should bloom almost all year round.

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