Home generalMöbius scarf knit - free knitting pattern loop scarf

Möbius scarf knit - free knitting pattern loop scarf

  • Material and preparation
    • yarn
    • swatch
    • Basics
  • Knit Möbius scarf
    • Mobius stop
    • zigzag pattern
    • Picot-Abkettrand
  • Possible variations

A Möbius scarf is a loop twisted in one place. They knit from him from the middle starting to both sides at the same time. The secret lies in a special stitch attack. In this knitting pattern you will learn how it works.

They have already knitted scarves and now find it boring "> Material and preparation


From which material you knit your Möbius scarf is up to you. Think about the occasions when you want to wear it. Should the scarf warm you in the winter or would you like to change it to an ornament? For the former, new wool is a good choice, while cotton gives a light summer scarf. In any case, make sure that the material can be washed well.

This information can be found on the banderole of the yarn. For your first attempt to knit a Möbius scarf, it is recommended to use a smooth, medium thread . This makes it easier for you to get an overview of the stitches on the unfamiliar Möbius stop. Needle size four or five is ideal. The banderole indicates the strength of your desired yarn.

How much wool you need depends on what style you use and how long and wide your scarf should be. For the light loop of this knitting pattern, which is once placed around the neck, we have entangled 150 grams of cotton with a length of 125 meters per 50 grams. For a thick winter scarf you may need up to 500 grams. Depending on the material and desired size, you should plan for ten to 30 euros for your Möbius scarf.


Before you start knitting, it is important that you make a stitch so that the Moebius scarf fits over your head . Work a piece in the zigzag pattern described below and measure how many meshes are ten centimeters wide. Save the first and last stitch in each row because they will often fail and distort the result.

Tip: To knit the zigzag pattern in rows, swap the right and left stitches in each row with even numbering.

Think about how often you want to wrap the Möbius scarf around your neck and how far you have to go. For this knitting pattern we made a loose loop with 70 centimeters width . If the scarf is to be put around a second time, 120 centimeters are a good measure. Use your stitches to calculate how many stitches you will need to reach the desired width.

It is very important that the value is right, because as long as the Möbius scarf is on the needle, you can not try it on. If you have miscalculated, note this only after the binding off. Round up the result of your calculation, because for the zigzag pattern you need a number that is divisible by ten.

Calculation example: In the mesh test, 21 meshes correspond to ten centimeters. The scarf should be 70 centimeters wide. So you need 21 x 70: 10 = 147 meshes . For the zigzag pattern, round up to the next tens, which means you hit 150 stitches .

You need this for a Möbius scarf:

  • Yarn, depending on the material and size 100 to 500 grams
  • Circular knitting needle in suitable thickness, at least 80 centimeters long, better 100 to 120 centimeters
  • Stitch markers (alternatively finger ring)
  • Needle for sewing

Tip: The Möbius scarf is knit with a double-laid circular needle. Therefore, make sure that the cable connecting the needles is very flexible.



Lay the thread over the right needle from the front to the back. This envelope forms an additional stitch that will knit as normal from the next round.

Knit three stitches on the right side

Slide two stitches on the right needle without knitting. Work the next stitch on the right and pull the two skipped stitches over it as you know it from the bind off. As a result, you have two fewer stitches on the needles, which compensates for the increases through the envelopes.

Knit Möbius scarf

Mobius stop

Hit one stitch and slide this initial loop on your circular needle to the middle of the cable. Hold the cable up at this point so that the needles hang down.

Take the left hanging needle in the right hand and guide it to the beginning loop. Use this needle to hit the stitches. The cable now forms a circle. The second needle will hang you. Wrap the work thread around your left index finger as usual and with your left hand hold the cable next to the initial loop.

Pass the needle through the cable from the front and over the thread. Take it with you on the way back under the cable. Next, pick up the thread over the cable coming from behind. You now have two stitches both on the needle and on the cable.

In the manner described, try as many stitches as you have calculated in the preparation. Count only the stitches on the needle. The same mesh size is on the cable again. This is because the Möbius scarf is knitted in both directions from the middle at the same time.

That's why you work twice as many stitches per turn as are necessary for the width of the scarf. Each round has the shape of an eight, with the bows folded on top of each other.

Lay the second needle on the left side so you can knit. Tighten the cable so that both bows are the same size. Spread the mesh evenly over the entire round. Make sure that the cable and needle are parallel and intersect exactly once (and not more often) throughout the round.

As a result, the scarf is later twisted once. To know when a round is over, attach a stitch marker to the right needle. Start knitting the zigzag pattern with the stitches on the left needle.

Tip: Tighten the first stitches to avoid creating a hole at the point where you closed the round.

zigzag pattern

1st round: 1 stitch on the right, 1 turn-up, 3 stitches on the right side, 1 turn-up, 6 stitches on the right

Tip: A round is not complete until the stitch marker appears at the top of the left needle. Slide it onto the right needle and continue with the next lap. If the stitch marker on the cable is exactly between the needles, you have made half the round.

Tip: In the beginning, the stitches look uneven and too loose, and the cable may stretch when knitting. Do not worry about it, because after a few laps everything will be as usual and there will be no ugly spots left behind.

2nd round: 5 stitches on the right, 5 stitches on the left

Tip: You will notice that the pattern basically consists of these two rounds, which are shifted one stitch each round. Once you have internalized the principle, you only need to look into this knitting pattern at the start of the round to get started.

3rd round: knit 2 stitches on the right, 1 turn-up, 3 stitches on the right, 1 turn-up, 5 stitches on the right

4th round: 1 stitch left, 5 stitches right, 4 stitches left

5th round: knit 3 stitches on the right, 1 turn-up, 3 stitches on the right side, 1 turn-up, 4 stitches on the right

6th round: 2 stitches on the left, 5 stitches on the right, 3 stitches on the left

Round 7: 4 stitches on the right, 1 turn-up, 3 stitches on the right side, 1 turn-up, 3 stitches on the right

8th round: 3 stitches on the left, 5 stitches on the right, 2 stitches on the left

9th round: knit 5 stitches on the right, 1 turn-up, 3 stitches on the right side, 1 turn-up, 2 stitches on the right

10th round: 4 stitches on the left, 5 stitches on the right, 1 stitch on the left

Round 11: 4 stitches on the right, 1 turn-up, 3 stitches on the right side, 1 turn-up, 3 stitches on the right

12th round: 3 stitches on the left, 5 stitches on the right, 2 stitches on the left

Round 13: Knit 3 stitches on the right, 1 turn-up, 3 stitches on the right side, 1 turn-up, 4 stitches on the right

14th round: 2 stitches on the left, 5 stitches on the right, 3 stitches on the left

15th round: 2 stitches on the right, 1 turn-up, 3 stitches on the right side, 1 turn-up, 5 stitches on the right

16th round: 1 stitch left, 5 stitches right, 4 stitches left

Repeat these 16 rounds until your Möbius scarf is wide enough. For a scarf to be placed only once around the neck, you should knit about 30 centimeters . Work a double or triple loop, ranging from 20 to 25 inches.

Tip: If you knit a very wide Möbius scarf, you can wear it as a hooded scarf.


In a Möbius scarf you knit in the shape of a folded eight around. That's why the edge of the chain goes over the top and bottom edges and you can easily work a decorative finish . In this knitting pattern we show you the Pikot-Abkettrand, where turrets line up. If it seems too expensive for you, you can chain off the loop as usual.

First, chain off two stitches. * Slide the stitch remaining on the right needle back to the left. Make two new stitches and then chain four. * Repeat the steps between the asterisks until only one stitch is left.

Tip: Depending on your stitch count, the pattern will not work. Just work the described edge as long as your stitches last. The distance between the last and the first turret becomes a bit too big or too small in this case. However, this is hardly noticeable in the finished scarf.

Pull the thread through the last stitch and sew up any loose pieces of yarn. Ready is your Möbius scarf!

Possible variations

1. Knitt the Möbius scarf in a different pattern. It is important that both sides of the fabric look (nearly) the same and the scarf does not curl up. Suitable examples are the pear pattern or the checkerboard pattern . For the former, knit one stitch alternately on the right and left, and vice versa in the next round. The checkerboard appearance is created by knitting three (or more) stitches left and right and swapping all three (or more) rounds.

2. Combine different yarn structures . For example, for a fur-like finish, work the last three rounds of your Möbius scarf in fleece wool.

3. Decorate the edge of the necklace with small pearls . Count how many beads you need (for example, to put a bead in every third stitch) and thread them all onto the yarn before you knot it. Unwrap the Möbius scarf, pushing a bead forward at regular intervals and knitting it into the next stitch.

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