Home generalSewing Nicholas boots - pattern / template & free guide

Sewing Nicholas boots - pattern / template & free guide

  • Sewing pattern and template for Santa's boots
  • Nähanleitung
  • Quick Start Guide - Santa's boot

At first glance it seems a bit early for Santa's boots - we finally have midsummer! But time flies and in four months comes the Santa Claus, that's why I show you today in this guide, how to quickly and easily sew a Santa Claus boot to hang. For this, I have also created a template and several sketches that you can follow.

Sewing pattern and template for Santa's boots

In my childhood, the plastic boots that brought my parents and grandparents, filled with peanuts, walnuts and citrus, to our door were just some of the modern ones. In the meantime, the trends from America are constantly coming to us, and a particularly nice idea is a Santa Claus boot to hang up. This can also be filled with traditional treats or simply used as a decorative element. How to do this is explained in this guide.

Difficulty level 1/5
(also suitable for beginners)

Material costs 1/5
(from EUR 0, - from your rest box up to EUR 14, - from high-quality fabrics with decorative material)

Time expenditure 1/5
(the instructions for the unlined version shown here are sewn in about 10 minutes)

The material selection

You can use any kind of fabric for this project. A combination of many different types of fabrics is possible. For stretchy fabrics remember to reinforce them with ironing insert.

The amount of material

For the printable pattern, you will need two pieces of fabric about 25 cm x 30 cm and 4 pieces of fabric about 14 cm x 20 cm for the top. You can also use smaller pieces of fabric when stitching them together in patchwork style.

The pattern

You can print my pattern in any size or trace it yourself. I also made different sketches with variants that you can trace and create yourself. According to your taste.

The template, which you can download here, is drawn without seam allowances. When cropping, keep in mind that you need to add them. I usually take 0.7 cm for my seam allowances. Plan seam allowances anywhere where seams are to be applied.

Tip: If you want to apply appliqués, borders or decorative seams, do so before you start sewing. Some borders and various flowers and buttons can also be applied afterwards. In this case, however, the decorations must be sewn on by hand.

Since the Santa Claus boot is hung up, you can also decide to attach ornaments on one side only. If you want to turn the boot and maybe want to hang it the next year or hang it in a place where you can see it from both sides (like a banister), it looks more beautiful if it is decorated on both sides.


First sew the two pieces of fabric for the upper side together at the upper end right to the right. Apply these and fold them left to left together.

Tip: As always, you make your work a lot easier if you keep ironing between the individual steps.

Now lay the open edges on the upper edge of your boot (it lies with the right side of the fabric facing you) and sew all three fabric layers together.

Do the same with the back of your boot (2nd cut piece). Now put your two boots together right to right and put both layers firmly in place. If you have chosen a pattern such as lines or checks, make sure that they meet exactly on the edge. Between these layers lay a strap of your choice to hang to the loop. This band should be at least 6 cm long with the seam allowances.

Sew around once, but leave out the top opening. Lock the seams at the beginning and at the end so that the seam does not come loose.

Thus, the Santa Claus boot is ready! Then you can decorate this at will.


Both by different patterns as well as by the way of the embellishments you can conjure from the template the most different Nikolausstiefel. The color choice also makes a lot. Try in advance best by laying on the desired fabrics and decorative elements and cut only afterwards.

If you have a little more time available, you can also sew a lined version according to this template. This works in much the same way as described in my "Breadbasket Sewing" tutorial. The only differences are that you do not need to sew in a round bottom and do not have to calculate the circumference.

Even more elaborate is a variant for a standing Santa Claus boot. For this variant, however, a lot more effort is needed and it is already in the direction of "shoemaker". Maybe next year I'll write a nice guide for you.

Look for other creative sewing ideas for Christmas "> Sewing Christmas decorations

  • Sew advent calendar
  • Quick Start Guide - Santa's boot

    1. Create a pattern according to the template or print a finished pattern
    2. Cut sections by adding seam allowances
    3. Sew up the upper fabric pieces and sew them together at the top of the boot edge
    4. Assemble both boot parts - sew the loop in to hang!
    5. Decorate and decorate.
    6. Fill
    7. Hang up
    And done!

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