Home generalEasy-care indoor plants - 8 flowering and green plants

Easy-care indoor plants - 8 flowering and green plants

  • dragon tree
    • maintenance
  • Jadebaum
    • maintenance
  • Efeutute
    • maintenance
  • Grünlilie
    • maintenance
  • Flaming Katie
    • maintenance
  • Christmas cactus
    • maintenance
  • amaryllis
    • maintenance
  • Mexican three-master flower
    • maintenance

Not everyone is blessed with a green thumb. You do not have to be that in order to successfully beautify the apartment with houseplants. Whether green plants or those with decorative flowers - there are species from each group that forgive some care mistakes and some do not seem to be down to it at all.

Among the green plants, well-known representatives such as the dragon tree or the jade tree belong to the undemanding fosterlings. Efeutute and green lily are suitable for cultivation as traffic light plants, but can also be cultivated in the pot. A pretty eye catcher is the Flaming Katy, which is often unjustly considered a disposable plant. Christmas Cactus and Amaryllis are popular winter-time gems and it's not hard to bring them over the year so they will bloom again in the next season. Less known is the Mexican three-master flower, which beautifies not only with its intense purple foliage leaves the apartment, but also with their small pink flowers.

dragon tree

Strictly speaking, it is a whole plant family, which bears the name dragon trees, but usually this term means the Dracaena marginata . Its appearance is reminiscent of a palm tree with narrow, pointed leaves in large clusters that give the plant an attractive appearance. There are dark and light-dark striped variations, some with narrow leaves and others with broader leaves. Their care is similar.


The dragon tree tolerates the location in shady corners, in which hardly any other houseplant can still thrive, but of course he still needs a minimum amount of light. It only needs a little bit of watering and it can handle a few dry days well. If the drought lasts too long, the dragon tree throws the first leaves from below and at the latest then it should be watered again so that the crown does not thinn out. Regular rotation of the entire plant is important as the shoots follow the light, which over time would be very strong in one direction.

If the humidity is too low, the tips of the leaves sometimes dry up. Spraying once a day will help. The already dried out tips can simply be cut off and the plant looks good again. Since it has only a small footprint for the roots, it often suffices to repot them once directly after purchase. After that, this is only necessary after several years, when the dragon tree has become really big. Apart from the common mistake of keeping it too moist, you can not go wrong with the dragon tree, it is easy to maintain.


The jade tree is also called Geldbaum or popularly fake monkey bread tree. In fact, this is not a tree, but a succulent, a plant with storage organs that grows to a maximum of two and a half meters in their native Africa. Due to its dry habitat, the plant is suitable for casting muffle or people who travel a lot or people who sometimes just forget their protégés. The jade tree is extremely easy to replicate. Either you put a cutting next to the mother plant in the substrate or just a leaf from which a new plant develops.


Because of its origin, the jade tree has to be cast only slightly, so it is very easy to maintain. On holiday it is not necessary to have the plant watered by acquaintances. For a longer absence, it is best to put it in the cellar. In cool locations, a healthy specimen survives several weeks or even months without water, but the plant then stops its growth entirely. Gradually, it loses its leaves in the drought, otherwise it takes no damage. The jade tree is often cultivated as bonsai and then has smaller leaves and more branched branches.

Like all bonsai, it then requires more frequent, smaller amounts of water than in potted plants, since the substrate can absorb only very little moisture. Between the watering, the earth must absolutely dry out completely and can also stay dry for a few days, otherwise root rot may occur. The budding young plants are maintained as well as adult specimens, they should not be poured more often, as they draw enough power from their storage organs. The jade tree tolerates direct sun as well as a location in partial shade. However, he must not stand too dark. Since it grows very fast, it has to be repotted every year.


The Efeutute is a frequently cultivated vine plant with green or green-white-pied leaves. In her tropical home, she grows up to twenty meters high and in the room, the shoots can reach a length of several meters. You can either lead them along a trellis or maintain them as traffic light plants. If some parts of the shoots get enough light, the rest can also penetrate low-light and shady zones before returning to lighter areas. For example, walls can be planted with the help of trellises along which the efeutut pines.


The Efeutute reaches a half-shady location, but it should not be completely dark. In the piebald forms, lack of light leads to a greening of the leaves. However, a south window can cause burns in summer. The most suitable location is an east or west window. The plant needs relatively little water, but the bale should not completely dry out in the core. However, waterlogging should also be absent, so you should regularly give small amounts of water. Big people may need a lot of water, so it's important to find the right balance. It's not difficult, you just have to try a little. As a rule of thumb, the top two centimeters should dry before the next watering. It must be sufficiently fertilized so that the shoots can grow vigorously and densely leafy, because nutrient deficiency makes the fertilizer thin and poor in leaves.


The green lily is a bit reminiscent of tufts of grass with long, curved leaves. Their leaves are either completely green or provided with white stripes, the latter variation requiring more light to thrive. It multiplies via branches, which are formed as finished small plantlets on long stems. Thus, the green lily can be cultivated not only as a potted plant, but also as an attractive traffic light plant. Because of its simple propagation, it is very cheap and often you can get it from acquaintances. Their tenacity and non-toxicity to humans and animals make them an ideal indoor plant.


The earth should be able to dry out completely between the watering, then it is watered abundantly, so that the earth is completely moistened. Excess water must be poured from the planter so that the roots do not rot. With good care, the plant grows quickly and forms numerous offshoots that give away as new plants can be used or simply left on the mother plant. The green lily is a very grateful plant and forms small tubers at the roots, so that they forgive even longer dry periods. Even if the leaves are limp and more than half dried up, the plant can recover fully with care within a few weeks.

Flaming Katie

This attractive little plant with the numerous small flowers is usually offered for only a few euros in the fall. Often it is maintained for only one season, and it is worthwhile bringing it over the year.


As a succulent it needs only a little water, its care is comparable to that of the jade tree. Less is more in case of doubt. She tolerates the direct midday sun only after getting used to it and should not necessarily stand at a south-facing window. Better is a half-shady location. It rarely needs to be fertilized. With a light duration of only eight to nine hours it starts to bloom again. This can be done well all year round by putting them in a closet the rest of the day. Naturally, the Flaming Katy blooms from autumn to early spring. Although the new flowers are usually not as abundant as a freshly purchased plant, but still a rewarding little eye candy.

Christmas cactus

Contrary to what one would assume by the name, this is not a desert plant, but a plant from the tropical rainforests, where the Christmas cactus thrives in the humus deposits of branch forks. Accordingly, larger specimens should best be cultivated as traffic light plants.


The substrate is a mixture of floral and orchid soil or potting soil and clay granules. He does not tolerate direct midday sun. In the summer he can outlast very well in the semi-shade. In order for the Christmas cactus to display its magnificent flowers in winter, it should find the best conditions in summer. As an epiphyte it does not need a very large pot and only a moderate amount of water, but a bit more moisture than a real cactus. Waterlogging is essential to avoid.


The famous onion plant is usually offered in the run-up to Christmas with large, intensely colored flowers. Many people buy them every year, and it is not difficult to take care of them throughout the year and bring them to new heights next winter.


After blooming, the dried flower is cut off, but leaves the foliage. The onion should be placed in airy soil, such as a mixture of flower and orchid so that it does not rot. If she is in pure soil, she has to look out halfway and you have to pay more attention to waterlogging. During the growth phase in spring and summer, the amaryllis is abundantly poured and fertilized so that the onion receives power for the new flowering. From August, the watering process is completely stopped so that the leaves dry out. When the time comes, the onion wanders to rest in the cellar in a dark and cool place.

In November, she is taken back to the apartment and placed in fresh substrate, which is easy to pour. Only when the flower and the leaves look out, you can increase the amount of water slowly. In January, when you've done everything right, the beautiful flowering starts again and the cycle starts all over again.

Mexican three-master flower

The Mexican three-master flower is a herbaceous, very perennial plant with dark green to purple leaves. The bright purple of the foliage, however, only shows itself when cultivated in the full sun, ie on a south-facing window . The lower the sunshine, the sooner the purple is replaced by a dark green. Damage does not do this however. With good care, the plant forms numerous small pink flowers at the ends.


The Mexican three-master flower is extremely easy to cultivate. The most important thing is a full sun and a sufficiently large planter. It grows extremely fast and forms large root balls to supply the long shoots. There are two ways of cultivating: regularly cutting off the shoot tips, which are replanted to create a bushy appearance or leaving the old shoots on the mother plant, so that long tendrils can form. It should be poured rarely, but then abundantly. The substrate must be able to dry out in between. In the summer at a location in the blazing sun, a cup can be poured daily for large specimens, for smaller ones half a cup. Since the plant grows strongly, annual repotting is useful so that the tendrils remain strong and rich in leaves, otherwise they often become dry. The propagation takes place via cuttings, which are allowed to root in a water bath.

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