Home generalPanicle hydrangea, Hydrangea paniculata - care and cutting

Panicle hydrangea, Hydrangea paniculata - care and cutting

Panicle hydrangeas grow in non-calcareous soil with good nutrient usually fairly easily.

  • The care of the panicle hydrangea
  • Cut panicle hydrangeas

The hydrangea hydrangea is the ideal hydrangea for our gardens, because it is robust and cold-tolerant, can cope with any soil and (even for beginners) is super easy to care for and cut. The panicle hydrangea is the ideal hydrangea for our gardens, not only because of its frugality. It has enough cold tolerance to withstand any frost, and it's a sturdy beginner hydrangea that works well on pruning shrubs that thrive on the shoots of the season.

The care of the panicle hydrangea

Panicle hydrangeas grow in non-calcareous soil with good nutrient usually fairly easily. At the ideal location in partial shade with wind protection and mulch layer in the soil area, the panicle hydrangea needs irrigation only in the event of prolonged drought. Normally, it hardly needs fertilizer, and if it sucks you can spoil it (see "Fertilizing hydrangeas: when and with what").

Panicle hydrangeas, in contrast to garden hydrangeas, do not necessarily have to be in the shade, while the robust hydrangeas grow in a rather deep shade. But then you must be very careful to avoid waterlogging and be prepared that the flowers do not appear in the abundance, which one is used to hydrangeas.

Panicle hydrangeas grow even in one location in full sun, but they always need plenty of water.

The panicle hydrangea proves itself so well in our climate because, unlike other hydrangeas, it has not enjoyed the friendliest climate in its homeland of East Asia. It has long been naturalized in North America and is expected to endure USDA hardiness zone 3, which would be as low as minus 39.9 ° C (the crooked numbers are calculated as Fahrenheit). Although she will not be able to stand that much with us because of the rain, she does not get that cold in Germany.

Hydrangeas in the garden 1 of 9
Hydrangea Impressions

Cut panicle hydrangeas

The "normal average hydrangea", farmer's hydrangea and Co., sets the flower buds for the next year directly below the flowers of the season. Panicle hydrangeas do it differently, they form the flower buds on the new shoot, which will bloom in the same year. Of course, this has an influence on the cropping.

Cut hydrangea

1. Normal conservation cut for panicle hydrangeas
Panicle hydrangeas can be cut shortly after flowering in late autumn, which is recommended for adult, well-branched and well-growing panicle hydrangea, which should branch only slightly:

  • Trim all flowering shoots down to below / above the annual growth
  • Depending on whether the panicle hydrangea has become a little too big or rather should grow a bit more
  • If a little more branching is desired, trembles with pairs of eyes should stop
  • The drive out in the next season, here doubling the shoots
  • Weak, transversely or oddly growing shoots are always removed when trimming
  • If you have always paid attention to pairs of eyes and have doubled the shoots every year, the hydrangea will eventually become too dense
  • They like mushrooms, so they light them up until the framework of the hydrangea looks nice and easy and airy again
Start with scissors

2nd conservation cut in the spring
If a panicle hydrangea should remain in the given shape, you can cut in spring:

  • The withered flowers of the last season then remain as winter decorations on the hydrangea
  • The hydrangea is happy about the additional cuddly winter coat
  • She is being circumcised when she is just starting to shoot
  • Then it will branch out some shoots and in some just create new flowering shoots
  • Since section no. 1 and no. 2 only bring about gradual differences, well-shaped panicle hydrangeas can be cut in autumn or spring
Cut off flowers of hydrangea

3. winter cut to less branched panicle hydrangeas
When cut in the growing season, the plant can better seal the wounds, but sometimes we do not want a plant to barely notice its wounds:

  • If a panicle hydrangea has not branched so far, it is pruned in winter
  • Shorten all long and lonely shoots immediately after the last strong frost
  • They cut when the plant is still in hibernation, they can badly close the cuts
  • However, when the juices start shooting in, the hydrangea releases all the more
  • It usually branches powerfully and forms stronger shoots
  • The "shock" is worth it, should the panicle hydrangea but not every year be expected

4. Spring cut to many branched panicle hydrangeas
Such a shock is usually not necessary, because the vigorous panicle hydrangea sufficiently branch, rather you have to fight the opposite:

  • If a panicle hydrangea has grown denser and denser over the years, it will be pruned in the spring after budding
  • Then clear thoroughly, cutting away the shoots that have just started to flower
  • Too bad, but so intentionally, the hydrangea should not immediately turn out wild again
  • If you have a lot of cutting away, she will not make it, but the wounds can all close them well
  • If you are lucky, there is also the one or other flowering shoot
  • If there are too many new shoots in a well-behaved panicle hydrangea, it will be recut in autumn
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