Home generalSew sleep mask - instructions and patterns for the sleeping glasses

Sew sleep mask - instructions and patterns for the sleeping glasses

  • Preparation and material
  • Sew on the sleep mask

Sleep deprivation due to too much work, long nights or active children ">

In the following instructions, I show you how to sew a beautiful sleep mask very easily and with little effort, individually designed to your own taste and also perfect as a gift for the best friend!

Difficulty level 2/5
with a little practice also suitable for beginners

Material costs 1/5
between 5-10 EUR, depending on what you already have at home

Time expenditure 2/5
about 30 - 40 minutes

Preparation and material

You need this:

  • two rectangular pieces of fabric
  • elastic rubber band or matching cuff fabric
  • semi-thick volume flow (I usually use a flow of approx. 120 g / m2)
  • additional cotton fabric for the processing of bias binding and rubber band
  • our pattern
  • possibly an old gift ribbon for decoration
  • a scissors
  • a pen

1. First, print out our pattern on an A4 sheet of paper. Make sure that the size is set to 100% when printing, otherwise the sleeping glasses may be too small. The two markings on the sides must also be transferred with the pen, so that the tape is later in the right place.

Click here: To download the pattern

2. Then we cut out the template and place it on the left side of the fabric of our cotton remnants and the volume flow. One of the fabrics will be the front of the glasses, the other will be on the back of the face.

Tip: The back can also be made with jersey or an old fluid blanket, both fabrics are a bit softer.

3. The front and back and the filling of the glasses are now cut out.

4. For the glasses to last well, we need a rubber band. This we cut to a length of about 30 cm. Since the rubber strand alone does not look really nice, I usually dress you up with one of my cotton scraps. I cut this to a length of 40 cm and a width of 6 cm. Due to the excess of fabric we make sure that we can stretch the tape at the end nicely.

Tip: If the dressing of the rubber is too much work, you can buy matching rubber straps on the internet.

5. For the border of the glasses we make our own bias binding: For this we cut a 60 cm long and 4 cm wide strip of fabric from our cotton fabric. If only shorter strips are available, you can simply sew the strips together right to right with the straight stitch.

If we have prepared everything, it goes already to the sewing machine!

Sew on the sleep mask

1. We put the fabric sides on top of each other as we want them to be with our sleep mask later. That is, the right side of the fabric are each outside, in the middle is the volume flow.

It's best to stick the three layers of fabric with pins or Wonderclips again, so that the whole thing does not slip during sewing.

2. Now we quilt the sleeping glasses around with the straight stitch of our sewing machine. At the same time we stay about 5 mm next to the edge, so that the seam is covered nicely by the bias binding.

At this point, we put the template on the sleeping goggles again and transfer with the pen the markings for the ribbon on the sides.

3. Now we turn to our self-made bias tape. For this we take the strip of fabric and iron it with the steam iron once across the middle, so that the right side of the fabric is always outside.

Then we open the tape again and iron both sides inwards again so that they are flush with the center fold.

So our bias binding is already finished.

Tip: There is also ready to buy bias binding, this must be neither cut nor ironed. However, I prefer to sew with their own fabrics, so it works better with the color coordination and I can "let off steam" ????

4. The finished bias tape can now be pinned to the sleep mask. For this purpose, the folded-in edges remain on the inside and are fixed in this way. Fix the whole thing with pins, so that nothing slips. When the tape overlaps about 2 cm, cut it off and fold the end inwards so that the transition can be sewn cleanly.

Tip: Since the bias binding on the two outer curves of the sleeping goggles is now a bit too productive, it is advisable to fold the strap at the side markings (where the strap will later be fastened) once. You can decorate this place later with a stitch and the line is no longer visible.

5. Instead of jamming the outline with a simple straight stitch, you can also use a decorative stitch or a nice zigzag stitch here. Depending on what your sewing machine so everything gives.

6. The sleeping glasses are almost finished - now we only need our elastic band. For the lining of the rubber band we need our 40 cm long fabric band. This we fold in the middle of the length right to right and tap the pages with a straight stitch. Then we turn the newly formed tube so that the beautiful fabric side is facing outwards. This is very small work and needs some practice.

7. Now we pull the rubber band through the hose and stitch together again the beginning and beginning, so that the rubber rope does not slip in the hose. The fabric should now have a nice gathering:

Tip: At the beginning of the rubber band attach a safety pin and pull it through the hose!

8. Finally, we attach the just finished band to the sleep mask. To do this, we quilt the ends on the back of the glasses with a straight stitch, paying attention to the previously transferred side mark.

Tip: If you do not have a rubber strand, you can also sew a tube made of matching cuff fabric. This is easily stretchable and is therefore well suited as a retaining band for our sleeping goggles. Make sure that the cuff fabric has to be cut against the threadline, so that the fabric is elastic as far as possible.

9. With the gift ribbon we can now make 1-2 loops, which we later attach to the sides.

The loops can be attached to the sleep mask either with textile adhesive or with a few stitches.

That's it! Our sleep mask is ready and ready for daily use and many peaceful hours.

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