Home generalKnitting hourglass pattern - instructions with pictures

Knitting hourglass pattern - instructions with pictures

  • Material and preparation
  • Small hourglass pattern
  • Large hourglass pattern
  • Possible variations

You've never heard of an hourglass pattern ">

A three-color pattern sounds very difficult? Try our hour glass samples! In each row you knit only one color and get along without annoying tension threads. The patterns consist almost only of right and left stitches and are therefore well feasible for beginners. What else you need to know, we explain in this guide.

Material and preparation

For an hourglass pattern you will need wool in three different colors. Make sure that the run length of the yarns is similar. This information can be found on the banderole. Initially, use plain wool with no effects and medium thickness, such as four to five gauge needle size. With such a thread, the pattern succeeds easily and unfolds its effect nicely.

Tip: Use thicker needles one size than recommended on the banderole of the yarn to prevent the fabric from becoming too tight. The lifting straps for the vertical straps must be able to extend.

Choose a color for the (dark blue) grid. These are called color A in the following. The other two are called B and C. The individual threads are knotted as soon as you need them for the first time. Then do not cut the yarn off, but let it hang while knitting with a different color.

Tip: Have you already come up with the secret of the name? The surfaces in the same colors look together with the vertical strut in between and some fantasy like hourglasses.

You need:

  • Medium weight wool in three colors
  • Pair of knitting needles in matching thickness

Technique: lift off the stitches

This simple trick creates the vertical stripes. Lift the stitch on the right needle without knocking it off. If a left lifting strap is required, the thread is before work, with a right behind it.

Small hourglass pattern

The pattern is elaborate, but consists only of stripes and lifted stitches. The number of stitches must be divisible by four. First knit a row in color A on the left before starting the pattern.

Tip: For beautiful edges, you can make two edge stitches in addition and knit them in rows with an odd number to the right and in even rows to the left.

To knit the small hourglass pattern:

1st row (color A): knit right

2nd row (color A): knit on the left

3rd row (color B): Take off 1 stitch on the right, knit 3 stitches on the right

4th row (color B): Knit 3 stitches on the left, 1 off the left stitch

5th row (color B): same as 3rd row

6th row (color B): same as 4th row

7th row (color A): knit right

8th row (color A): knit left

9th row (color C): knit 2 sts on the right, 1 st from the right, knit 1 stitch on the right

10th row (color C): Knit 1 st on left, 1 st on left, knit 2 sts left

11th row (color C): like 9th row

12th row (color C): like 10th row

Repeat the twelve pattern rows over and over again.

On the back you can see the stripes that make up the pattern.

Large hourglass pattern

This pattern follows the same principle as the small version. The lifted stitches, however, bridge more rows and have to stretch more. Therefore, the areas are hexagonal instead of square. In Color A, strike a mesh number that is divisible by eight. As with the small pattern, you can add two edge stitches. Start with a series of left stitches before knitting the pattern rows.

To knit the large hourglass pattern:

1st + 2nd row (color A): knit right

3rd row (color B): Knit 6 stitches on the right, lift off 2 stitches on the right

4th row (color B): Take off 2 stitches on the left, knit 6 stitches on the left

5th row (color B): same as 3rd row

6th row (color B): same as 4th row

7th row (color B): like 3rd row

8th row (color B): as 4th row

9th + 10th row (color A): knit right

11th row (color C): Knit 2 stitches on the right, take off 2 stitches on the right, knit 4 stitches on the right

12th row (color C): Knit 4 sts left, 2 sts left, knit 2 sts left

13th row (color C): like 11th row

14th row (color C): as 12th row

15th row (color C): like 11th row

16th row (color C): same as the 12th row

Repeat these 16 rows continuously.

The stripes on the back are similar to those on the small pattern, but are twice as wide.

Possible variations

1. Once you master the pattern safely, you can experiment with the effect of special yarns. For example, test the border (color A) in fleece wool.

2. Knit two-tone patterns by combining colors B and C. In this case, the grid is created in front of a monochrome ground.

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