Home Crochet baby clothesIncredible: T-shirt merge in just 3 seconds

Incredible: T-shirt merge in just 3 seconds

  • Fold T-shirt: 3-point technique
    • manual
    • Video
  • Tinker board - merge T-shirt with cardboard

Here we show how you can quickly assemble a T-shirt without tools and in just a few seconds. The result is impressive.

Do you know that as well, the laundry has to be done, but you do not feel like neatly folding it up "> Fold the T-shirt: 3-point technique

The three-point technique allows you to fold T-shirts in just a few seconds. If you practice something, you can do it in just 2 seconds.


Step 1: The T-shirt is spread face up on a smooth surface. They are standing sideways to the T-shirt. With your left hand, find a point between the neckline and the shoulder, about 5 cm from the collar. Then mentally draw a line to the middle of the T-shirt and grab there with your right hand.

Step 2: Now guide the shirt with your left hand to the bottom of the T-shirt. Exactly on the imaginary line you reach there again with the left hand for the shirt.

Step 3: Grasp the fabric firmly with your fingers. Lift the shirt slightly and pull the fabric you are holding with your right hand upwards. Pull the resulting seam smooth by pulling the fabric apart with both fingers.

Step 4: Now apply the T-shirt with the front side on the table. Now the already folded page just has to be put over the sleeve. Then again over the fabric and the T-shirt is finished and neatly folded.

You see, it's really easy and every time you get faster and better. Combining T-shirts becomes an instant child's play.


In the video, we show you in more detail, how to merge the T-shirt.

Tinker board - merge T-shirt with cardboard

Do you enjoy self-made tools that simplify everyday life ">

You need:

  • carton
  • scissors
  • Ruler and pencil
  • duct tape

Step 1: Take a neatly folded T-shirt to hand. Lay the box and draw the outlines with ruler and pencil on the cardboard. This one has the dimensions 27 cm x 35 cm.

Step 2: Then cut out the box.

Step 3: Now transfer the size of the piece of cardboard 5 times to cardboard. Cut out these pieces of cardboard as well.

Step 4: Using adhesive tape, glue the six pieces of cardboard together at the edges as follows. Cut the tape at these two points so that you can fold the cardboard elements.

Step 5: The T-shirt folding machine is now ready. Now put the T-shirt open face down in the middle of the cardboard.

Step 6: First fold the left side inwards. Open the cardboard again. Then fold the right side inwards and open the cardboard.

Step 7: Now only the middle, lower piece of cardboard is folded upwards. Finished! The t-shirt is folded!

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