Home generalBloomed Tulips: May the flowers be cut?

Bloomed Tulips: May the flowers be cut?

  • Faded tulips - cut
    • Step 1: Remove withered tulip flowers
    • Step 2: Cut yellowed leaves

Tulips in the garden are always a feast for the eyes. Unfortunately, the beautiful flowers usually bloom for a maximum of two weeks. After this time, nothing is to be seen of the colorful splendor - and many owners ask the question of how they should proceed now. Cut the flowers or rather leave it ">

That is why cutting makes sense

From dying tulips, life gives way only on the surface. In fact, the onion flower continues to work inwardly. She invests all her energy to produce as many seeds as possible for the flower head. However, this is not supportive. For the power that the tulip consumes for this process, she then lacks the training for the bulbous onions, which will blossom and inspire in the coming season.

Note: Onion plants in general and tulips in particular multiply in two different ways:

  • Variant 1: Seeds and flowers are formed.
  • Variant 2: Brutzwiebeln be trained.

The second variant is the much more efficient solution. Therefore, it is advisable to prevent the tulip from unnecessarily overexerting itself for the seed formation, if the propagation with bulbous onions but considerably faster and "less expensive" vonstattengeht, as well as ultimately delivers the more beautiful result. To prevent the immense wear of forces, it is therefore advisable to cut every tulip that has died down.

Important: If you leave a tulip after the flowering time to seed and ripen, it can only create a small number of bulbs, which also come along pretty "powerless". This does not change the regular watering and adequate fertilization. In this respect, the cut of the withered flower is essential.

Faded tulips - cut

The cutting of the tulip interferes with the flow of energy within the plant organism. He ensures that the flower can concentrate on the development of a new magnificent flowering. Of course, it is important to be careful to maintain the nutrient supply anyway. For this reason, the tulip is best cut in two stages. The following procedure has proven itself in practice:

  • trim withered tulip flowers in a timely manner
  • only cut the leaves when they turn yellow

Step 1: Remove withered tulip flowers

Tulip flowers should be removed immediately if they are withered. It would, however, be fatal to cut off the green leaves in this context as well. This is because thanks to photosynthesis photosynthesis transforms carbon dioxide and sunlight into oxygen and energy - elements that the plant desperately needs in order to produce quality bulbs and flowers again next spring.

Note: Actually, the nutrients thus obtained are intended for the supply of seed levels. By cutting the flower, the tulip has the opportunity to use the rich juice elsewhere. She creates an energy depot for the new season.

So in plain language:

  • Trim the withered flower "> Note: Even if the plants are no longer feast for the eyes after removing the flower heads, you should continue to care for them - pour the remaining stalks into regular intervals and fertilize them Continue with the measures - unless you dry the onions and keep them separately until next spring, but more on that later.

    Step 2: Cut yellowed leaves

    After shortening the tulip flowers, wait is over. One should attach great importance to the perfect time for the cut of the foliage, because:

    a) If you reach the scissors too early, important food reserves for the tulips are irretrievably lost.

    b) If, on the other hand, you hesitate too long, you risk unwanted side effects and damage such as rot and disease.

    What sounds difficult at first, turns out to be relatively easy on closer inspection. In fact, the spring flowers themselves signal when they want to be cut further. The distinguishing features are:

    • completely yellowed leaves
    • successively softening plant tissue
    • increasing slope of the foliage to the ground

    All of these characteristics, which are easy to hear even for inexperienced hobby gardeners, make it clear that the plant has now bundled all its forces and pulled it into the onion in the ground. She wants to have her rest and prepare for the next year. Then it's time to cut the leaves down to ground level.

    Important: Do not wait with the cutting, until the leaves have already assumed a mushy consistency. Otherwise, rot in connection with a fungal infection or a pest infestation is not far away.

    Incidentally, the act of removing the leaves is not only for the tulips, but also for any neighboring plants that are to be preserved from dangerous contagion from the rotting foliage.

    Interesting facts: The onions in the soil penetrate deeper into the soil year after year. So it happens that at some point they are so "sunk" that they can not grow up anymore. Furthermore, waterlogging can lead to rot onions. In order to prevent such negative developments, it is recommended to remove the tulip bulbs from the soil every two to three years, to dry them and to store them in a wooden box with untreated paper until the next implantation. The box should then be placed in the darkest possible room with a permanent temperature of five to ten degrees Celsius.

    tulip bulbs

    And another important note: Like other spring flowers in onion shape, tulip bulbs are poisonous. It is therefore imperative to ensure that neither infants nor pets have the opportunity to dig up and eat the onions. The consequences of such an accident are mainly nausea and vomiting. Under certain circumstances, the intermezzo can even lead to death - for example, when several onions are consumed and the effects go unnoticed for a long time.

    Tip: Onion plants all work the same way. In this respect, you can transfer the information of this tulip guide to all members of the plant family.

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