Home bathroom and sanitaryChanging the faucet at the sink: instructions in 7 steps

Changing the faucet at the sink: instructions in 7 steps

  • Advance: low or high pressure fitting
  • Tools and materials
  • Replace faucet - instructions

If the faucet on the sink ceases to function due to limescale or damage, it must be replaced. Compared to replacing a jet regulator, which can be done in a few simple steps, the replacement of a flushing faucet takes much longer. In addition to the right tool you need a compatible faucet and the ability to turn off the water, so you do not put everything under water.

Advance: low or high pressure fitting

Before you can start changing, you need to know if your faucet is a high or low pressure fitting. The difference is not obvious at first glance, but can be determined by the water connections.

  • High pressure fitting: two angle valves for cold and hot water
  • Low pressure fitting: one angle valve for cold water and two hoses leading to a boiler

High pressure fittings are connected to the central heating and water system. For this reason, two of the hoses run directly into the wall via corresponding angle valves. Low-pressure fittings, in contrast, rely on a boiler, which is usually installed directly under the sink and is responsible for water heating. Next to the boiler there is an angle valve. This will allow you to instantly see what kind of system your system is before changing the faucet. The difference is crucial.

1. If you have a high-pressure fitting, the water must be switched off via the central water supply for the duration of the entire tap change. In other words, if you are a subtenant, you must contact your property manager or landlord to turn off the central heating for your home, the floor or even the entire house. If you're lucky, you can turn off the water through the angle valves if they have handles for turning.

2. It is particularly easy to change the faucet if you have a low-pressure fitting. Since you have access to the boiler yourself, you do not need to contact or warn anyone to turn off the water. That can save a lot of time and work.

Once you have learned what type of fitting it is, you need to get the appropriate tools and materials to change the faucet on the sink. The time required for the change should be a maximum of two hours, even if you are inexperienced in this area and are doing the change alone. Try to keep the time span as good as possible when the water needs to be shut down for the entire house and other tenants are also affected.

Tip: In the majority of modern multi-family houses, high-pressure fittings are installed, as the water is regulated by the property management company and not by the tenant. If you still have a boiler under the cistern, these are often older buildings without central heating.

Tools and materials

Important to change the faucet on the sink is the right tool . This significantly simplifies the replacement of the old faucet and associated hoses.

The following tools and materials are required for this:

  • new faucet
  • Set of open-end wrenches
  • bucket
  • cleaning supplies
  • cleaning cloth
  • gloves
  • optional: new siphon

By itself, you do not need any other materials or tools for the change. If you do not have an open-end wrench set available, you should measure the diameter of the nuts and bolts. This can save you money because often the cost of a single open-end wrench can be cheaper than that of an entire set.

Be sure to pay attention to the following features when purchasing the faucet:

  • compatible in the dimensions with the sink
  • has matching hoses
  • correct pressure type

Of course, you can buy a faucet for your sink that does not have matching hoses and use them separately. Most of the products available today already have the hoses, which saves time and labor. You do not need to use gloves if you do not want to wear them.

However, as you will need to remove the siphon before changing the faucet on some sinks, it is recommended to use gloves if you do not want to accidentally let the s get to your skin. If you can easily get to the hoses and valves, you can definitely do without it.

Tip: If you can turn off the water yourself using angle valves, you should also check them for limescale or damage. If necessary, you should also change them, as this will help you to resolve or prevent problems that may arise in the future.

Replace faucet - instructions

Replacing the faucet at the sink: instructions in 7 steps

Once you have the tools and materials available, you can start changing the faucet on the sink. After turning off the water, follow this guide.

1. Open the tap at the beginning until it stops and let the remaining water run out of it. Now place a bucket under the sink. Depending on the placement of the hoses, you can now disassemble the siphon, which can be achieved either by a simple screw mechanism or by using a screwdriver, if it is secured with screws. Attention: Here comes out a lot of water. For this reason, be sure to have the bucket ready.

2. Next you have to loosen the hoses. To do this, use the open-end wrench and open the nut, which is used to connect the hose to the angle valve. This is achieved with little force, if the angle valves are not rusted, calcified or otherwise damaged or heavily worn.

With a boiler this works in the same way. However, some models have special mechanisms that are best looked up in the product manual.

3. Now the disassembly of the faucet follows. This is solved either by a safety lock or a simple nut. For this you also need the open-end wrench, which makes opening much easier. In most cases, the attachment is below the sink on threaded rods.

Once the attachment has been released, pull the entire unit out of the sink. Look at the opening and clean it if necessary. This makes the insertion of the new hose easier and also protects against dirt deposits and limescale.

4. Unpack the new tap and replace it in the tap hole. Make sure it is aligned correctly. After installation, you do not want a jet of water that splashes on the freshly washed dishes every time. Mount the mounting bolts or nuts.

5. The new faucet on the sink must be connected to the valves via the connection hoses. Do this without knots or rotations to the valves and connect them via the nuts or screw mechanisms. Check that all parts of the hose are seated and nothing wobbles or can be easily opened. Nevertheless, do not overtighten the nuts, otherwise you could damage the valves.

6. After connecting the valves, install the siphon . If you use a new siphon, be careful to arrange the parts according to the manufacturer's instructions. As a result, the assembly is much easier.

7. Finally, clean the sink and try out the new tap after turning on the water. Sometimes it may take a while for the first water to come out of the tap. Check all the time whether water is leaking from the seals or valves. If this is the case, immediately switch off again and tighten. If it is unfavorable, you have to repeat the assembly.

You see, changing the faucet on the sink is not really difficult, just a lot of work. The older the tap is, the more physical strength is needed as the nuts and bolts often jam. In this case, ask your friends or family for a helping hand.

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