Home Crochet baby clothesHow do you eat a persimmon? DIY tips for peeling and preparing

How do you eat a persimmon? DIY tips for peeling and preparing

  • Kaki fruit
    • Peel and prepare
    • Prepare

The persimmon is no longer unknown fruit. Due to its sweetness and its high vitamin , the fruit from Asia is becoming increasingly popular with young and old. However, many people are wondering how to eat, let alone peel, the persimmons. Since it is not a native plant, the Kakipflaume rarely lands on the German diet.

Kaki fruit

The kaki is the fruit of the kaki tree of the same name (offered by Diospyros kaki), which originates from Asia and the Middle East and has been cultivated in many areas for more than 2, 000 years. Due to its size, firmness and texture, it resembles tomatoes, but its aroma is as sweet as a honey melon and a little vanilla. If you want to try the kaki, you should first know how it is consumed and whether it needs to be peeled. Then you can look forward to the sweet pulp, which assumes a more intense flavor when ripe.

Kaki tree, Diospyros kaki

Peel and prepare

If you want to eat a persimmon, it is not necessary to get rid of it, as it is consumable. It is not poisonous and even very nutritious, which speaks for a consumption. If you want to eat them, you should do so only if they are unsprung fruits. The reason: even after washing the sprays are still tastable and make the shell extremely inedible. You can easily consume fruits from organic farming without spraying, even with peel. The following tips will help you prepare the fruits properly and then use them in the kitchen.

1st degree of maturity

The degree of ripeness is one of the most important tips if you want to eat kakis. The riper the fruit, the better it tastes and the type of preparation before eating changes. It is actually always advisable to let the fruits ripen a bit in their own four walls, so that they can develop their taste potential. The rule of thumb of the Kakipflaume: the softer, the better. Although harder fruits can be consumed, these are often still inedible due to the high of tannins (bitter substances). Therefore, wait a little longer.

2. Peel

Peeling the kaki succeeds easily with a knife or peeler. The shell is firm and can be removed as with apples with a few hand movements. However, you should only peel an unripe persimmon, as the ripe fruits are much too soft and could be damaged. Then cut the fruit and prepare to your taste.

3. cutting

Cutting the persimmon is also one of the most important tips, especially if you want to process sprayed or not yet fully matured fruits. Follow these steps to get the sweetest persimmons as soon as possible.

  • choose a sharp knife
  • that facilitates the cut
  • put the knife with the tip up or down on the persimmon
  • Now cut once with the knife completely around the fruit
  • then you can detach the two halves from each other
  • remove the carpels
  • These should not be consumed because inedible
  • quarter the fruit
  • remove the seeds as they are not consumable
  • Cores can beat on the stomach

You can cut the four cuts even smaller, but not a must. Depending on how you want to eat the kaki, you can decide if you want to cook it. Inside the kaki you will also find a white stem . This is edible and does not have to be cut away. But it is possible to remove it if you do not want to eat this part of the kaki.

4th varieties

There are mainly three varieties on the European market that you will encounter in retail.

  • Honey apple: reddish color, quite big
  • Persimmon: reddish color, quite big
  • Sharon fruit or Sharon: yellowish color, smaller

Especially interesting is the Sharon, which is a smaller variant of the other varieties, but can be prepared in the same way. A big advantage of the Sharon is the low proportion of tannins and the absence of cores. In other words, you can eat and enjoy yellow kakis even if they are not mature, as the skin is not as bitter as the other varieties. With the other varieties, it can come to the eating of the not yet mature fruits to a furry feeling on the tongue. But you do not have to worry, these are just the tannins.

If you have any unsprayed fruit available, you can just wash briefly and then directly consume like an apple or a pear.

Tip: Even if you want to eat an unpriced persimmon, it may be too hard for you. The texture of the bowl is not for all tastes, so you can easily remove them.


The preparation possibilities of the kaki are endless. As it can not only be consumed cold, it also offers hearty dishes similar to an apple or a pear, providing a tasty kick. In many cultures, it is especially popular as a pure snack, because then the intense aroma is even more effective.

You can prepare the kaki in the following ways:

  • Unload raw like a kiwi when fully matured
  • quarter or quarter, if still a bit hard
  • in cakes and pastries
  • to process jam or compote
  • in the fruit salad
  • in smoothies
  • for the refinement of cereals
  • as a fruit sauce with spices to duck breast or pork tenderloin
  • as a soup

Especially in East Asia, there are numerous dishes that make use of the fruit, since it has been grown there for millennia and used. Especially in China and Japan, the fruit is an integral part of various regional kitchens and so you will always find something new, as you can eat a kaki. For example, for a typical Japanese autumn dish, kakis, shimeji mushrooms (marbled wood rashers), tofu and spinach are combined and cooked with soy sauce and sake. The advantage of kakis is their aroma, which can be used with numerous spices and sauces.

Tip: Kakifflaumen are especially popular as a fresh ingredient in endive salads. These two characteristic flavors harmonize perfectly with each other in terms of taste and should definitely be tried out for this reason.

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