Home generalHow much wool do you need for a baby blanket?

How much wool do you need for a baby blanket?

  • table
  • Calculate wool consumption
  • Wool consumption in pattern knitting
  • issues

A self-made baby blanket increases the anticipation of the new earthlings. It is also a popular birth gift. Such a small blanket succeeds even beginners without problems. In this article you will learn how much wool you need.

You want to knit a baby blanket and have no idea how much wool you should buy "> table

This table gives you a rough idea of ​​how much wool you need to expect. The values ​​are for orientation only. Depending on the material, consumption varies considerably. For example, a cotton blanket will be heavier than one made of acrylic yarn. Therefore, use our formula to calculate the consumption for your wool.

Dimensions of the baby blanketRequired amount of wool
80 cm x 80 cm400 g
90 cm x 90 cm550 g
70 cm x 100 cm450 g
80 cm x 100 cm500 g
90 cm x 100 cm600 g
100 cm x 100 cm650 g

Calculate wool consumption

First choose the yarn you want to use for the blanket. Make sure that the material is easy to wash and does not scratch the sensitive baby skin.

Also, set the measurements for the ceiling. Consider in which situations the ceiling should be used. To cover in a baby carrier, it should not be too big. 80 by 80 centimeters is a good choice. If you want to make the blanket happy for a few more years, knit it better, for example 100 by 100 centimeters.

The formula:

  • Rows: 10 x length x width x 4: run length = number of balls

Rows: Here you set the number of rows, which correspond to ten centimeters in the knitted fabric. This information is printed on the banderole of your yarn or in the article description in the online shop.

  • Length and width: Insert the desired measurements of your baby blanket in centimeters.

Barrel length: On the banderole or in the online shop is noted, how many meters of thread contains a ball of your wool. Append two zeros to the value for the calculation to get the indication in centimeters.

The result is the number of balls you should buy to knit a baby blanket of the desired size from the selected yarn. Round the value to the nearest whole number, that is, if the result is 10.2, you need 11 balls.

Tip: Knit with the needle size recommended on the banderole of your wool to keep it in shape.

Calculation example:

  • 25 rows equal ten centimeters.
  • The baby blanket should be 100 by 100 inches tall.
  • The running length of the yarn is 80 meters, that is 8, 000 centimeters.

The bill is:

25: 10 x 100 x 100 x 4: 8000 = 12.5; You need 13 balls of wool.

Tip: In the same way, you can calculate the amount of wool for all square and rectangular knitting projects.

Wool consumption in pattern knitting

The indication on the banderole for the number of rows per ten centimeters usually refers to plain right knitted. For other patterns, wool consumption may vary significantly. Therefore, you should not rely in this case on the specified value, but even make a stitch. Buy a ball of the desired yarn, knit a few stitches and knit ten inches in your pattern. Then you count the rows and insert this value in the formula.

If you want to knit your baby blanket multicolored, you have to consider how many balls per color you need. If the color areas are all the same size (for example, with checks), this is simple: you buy the corresponding proportion of the total amount of each wool, ie half for two colors, one third for three colors ...). If the areas per color are different, you have to estimate the proportions.


Wool balls are left over

The baby blanket is big enough, but there is still wool left ">

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