Home Crochet baby clothesFold 3D picture frames yourself - Origami instructions without glue

Fold 3D picture frames yourself - Origami instructions without glue

  • Instructions - 3d picture frame tinker
  • Video Tutorial

Origami makes a lot of things possible - even the tinkering of a picture frame. In this detailed guide with pictures and artwork we show you how to fold a 3D picture frame and the whole thing without glue. In this way, you can frame a photo with a few simple steps and lightning fast. It's really easy!

Do you know that, you have shot a beautiful photo and want to frame it immediately ">

Template for printing

Here you can print out the design template for the 3D picture frame:

Click here: To download the craft template

Instructions - 3d picture frame tinker

Step 1: At the beginning you need our crafting template of the 3d picture frame. You can print these here.

Step 2: Cut out the template and transfer the outlines to the board. Be sure to draw the outlines on the side of the paper that should not be outside.

Tip: If you can print thicker paper with your printer, you can also print the crafting template directly on it and you will save yourself the need to transfer the lines.

Step 3: Take a sturdy ruler or a folding bone if you have one. Fold the dotted lines of the craft template all inwards. The corner points of the upper and lower side parts tell you where to fold. With a thin ruler, you can pull the fold lines nicely straight.

With the two sides left and right this is not feasible, because you have to measure beforehand - simply transfer the dashed lines of the template with pencil and ruler before you fold.

Step 4: Now prepare the photo - this must not exceed the format of the inner rectangle. This is a 9.2 cm x 11.5 cm format.

Step 5: Then hit the top and the bottom side element. Our pictures show exactly how.

Step 6: Now devote yourself to the longer sides, left and right. Fold these inwards as well. Slide the corners of the longer side into the tabs on the short side. If you did that on one page, you can put the photo in the frame. Repeat the process now with the other side and the 3d picture frame is ready!

Hanging or putting down

For the tinkered photo frame to hang on the wall, he needs a hole at the back. Before you push the picture into the frame, you can punch it with a punch or a punch.

If you want to set up the origami picture frame, it still needs a small foot. Cut a small, triangular piece of thick cardboard and glue it to the back.

Video Tutorial

More instructions for picture frames

Still looking for another way to make a photo frame ">

Make picture frames out of paper

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