Home generalClean the oven without chemicals - the best home remedies

Clean the oven without chemicals - the best home remedies

Once the dirt inside the oven has burnt in properly, only the chemical club seems to help at first glance. But the opposite is the case, because there are countless home remedies that make a dirty and greasy oven to a new exhibit with much less effort.

Of course, nobody wants to scrub for a long time sitting on their knees in the oven. Therefore, the cleaning industry has developed enticing products that promise a clean oven without any work. But if you look at the list of hazardous substances that flow out of these chemical bombs, you'd better get a bomb blast commando into the house. The residues of these oven cleaners can sometimes still taste in your food after weeks. For this reason, many users already have an uneasy feeling when they buy an oven cleaner. We therefore want to show you good home remedies for your oven and explain which really do bring something and which not.

Chemistry or nature

Home remedies are much gentler on the environment and your oven. At the same time, there are many normal detergents that are made, for example, based on lemon or vinegar. Although some of these home remedies also contain some chemicals, they are not harmful if you inhale some of them during the cleansing process. Also the repellent taste is omitted, which partially moves into the next dishes from the well-cleaned oven. Especially with cleaners that contain lemon, the smell will later be rather pleasantly fresh, which flows out of the warm oven.

You need this for cleaning:

  • microfiber cloths
  • Sponge made of plastic
  • Fireproof bowl / saucepan
  • rubber gloves
  • steam duck
  • vinegar
  • lemon
  • dish soap
  • household cleaners
  • baking powder
  • Soda / soda
  • water
  • shaving cream
  • soft soap

Tip: Better than a pot sponge made of metal is a plastic pot sponge. Unfortunately, you have to look for something today, as these useful little helpers are no longer available everywhere. But the advantages are great, because you will never again have small metal shavings in your hands, the sponge does not rust and also the ugly scratches that caused the metal sponge omitted in the pot sponge made of plastic. He can even be better rinsed out, if even old food remains stuck in it.

Here we have collected most of the known and proven home remedies that are suitable for cleaning the stove. However, some are not very effective. Here are several ways to clean the oven:

1. shaving cream
First of all, a method that has been mentioned time and again to clean the oven, the shaving cream. Where really does not reveal why someone should use expensive shaving cream. The result of cleansing with shaving cream is not overwhelming and sometimes even allows a slight taste of soap to enter the food. You should therefore clean with plenty of clear water, if you still want to try the shaving cream. Therefore, the shaving cream is one of the home remedies that have no more justification today, especially since it also contains a good amount of chemicals.

2. Soft soap
Some still swear by the good old soft soap, especially for greasy residues. But in a stove, soft soap is not as good as washing-up liquid. To remove soft soap again, a lot of clear water is needed. So if it does not happen that you need to dispose of some soft soap, this product also has very little justification for oven cleaning today.

3. Soda - baking soda - baking soda
The ingredient of these three home remedies is basically the same with sodium carbonate. This salt mineral is also used for the production of baking powder. Therefore, we have listed these three cleaners together here. So you do not need to run extra to the pharmacy to clean with soda or soda the interior of the oven, baking soda does the same. Particularly suitable is baking soda or soda for individual limited spots, but not for large areas.

baking powder

Tip: If you still have Bullrich salt for the stomach in the medicine cabinet, you can use it just like soda or soda, because the ingredients are almost identical.

Stir in a little baking soda, soda or soda with lukewarm water and spread over the baked stain. Especially when some casserole or pizza is overflown with a casserole or a pizza, you can get to a clean oven without much effort. Also, the splashes on the inside of the disc can often be easily removed in this way. However, rapid action is necessary because these agents have a much worse effect when the dirt is dried up.

Tip: The recipe is not always exactly the same, but you should mix about three to five teaspoons of washing soda or something similar with a good double the amount of water. Somewhat thicker than a pancake batter may be a fitting comparison for the consistency that is ideal for this home remedy.

As soda and soda, as well as baking soda, are suitable for many uses, you should always have some in stock. The advantage of baking soda, soda or baking powder is the ease of use because the product can do its job all by itself. You just have to leave it on for a little while and then wipe it off. At the same time, baking soda, soda and soda literally absorb the not always pleasant odors of the oven. The work becomes particularly easy if you apply the mass in the evening and let it work overnight.

4. Steam and heat - an ideal combination
The most effective way to re-clean the oven without greasy crust chemistry is by hot steam. Since this variant is always a bit expensive, it is not worth it for small dirt. You can choose to evaporate the interior with a steam duck, or simply use a large bowl of hot water and turn on the stove. More power is safely consumed in the second variant. However, you save the cost of detergents almost completely. Of course, the oven door must not be opened until the inside of the oven is thoroughly wet with the water vapor.

Water vapor works wonders

If the stove is completely damp from the hot steam, you can easily wipe off the dirt with a microfibre cloth. You should rinse the microfibre cloth more often in warm water with detergent. Dirt that is still stuck, are gently removed with a plastic pot sponge.

5. lemon in the oven cleaning
While lemon is actually too expensive for cleaning itself, it can refresh the oven wonderfully without any chemicals, without leaving a disgusting taste in the food. A little lemon juice on a cotton cloth is enough. The clean oven is then simply cleaned with the juice of the lemon, which not only improves the odor, but the citric acid kills bacteria similar to a vinegar essence and completely without chemicals. You will be surprised how long the fragrance of the lemon stays in the oven.

Tip: If you leave some lemon while cooking or baking, put it in the oven. Even a completely squeezed lemon can spread there for some time pleasant freshness.

6. Bacteria kill with vinegar
Due to the heat and greasy residues, bacteria can settle very well in the oven. Thanks to the use of yeast, we often even bring them into the interior of the oven quite unintentionally. The bacteria are easily eliminated without any chemicals and some vinegar. To prevent damage to your hands, always wear gloves when cleaning with vinegar.
With a mixture of detergent and vinegar, you can even make your own oven foam. In an old spray bottle, perhaps from the glass cleaner, mix some detergent with vinegar and fill the whole mixture with about the same amount of lukewarm water. This mixture is transformed by the spray to a light foam, which cleans your stove inside very effectively.
As always, this foam mixture should work for a while to get the full effect. After about half an hour, the dirt can be removed with a damp microfiber cloth. So that the food later does not taste like vinegar or soap, it should be cleaned well with clean water again.

7. Self-cleaning function
Very modern ovens today have a self-cleaning function. This works on the heat in the oven, because the dried residues are basically burned easily. Unfortunately, this does not work very well for greasy residues. So if you pay attention to this feature when buying, this may be useful for back friends. Those who like to cook especially greasy dishes in the oven will rather not enjoy it and later get annoyed about the additional costs.

Tip: If your window has impurities between the panes, think carefully about whether cleaning is worthwhile. Depending on the design of the oven window, the expansion can be very expensive. The two discs are usually connected with a seal. This may be defective at one or more points. But there are many dangers involved in cleaning it, because you may not get the windows together again, and a complete replacement door usually costs almost as much as a completely new oven.

Tips for quick readers

  • Baking powder for limited contamination
  • Baking soda similar effective as soda or soda
  • Dish soap removes light, fresh stains
  • Rinse soft soap with plenty of water
  • Vinegar kills bacteria in the oven
  • Mix vinegar and detergent and spray on
  • Lemon provides a fresh scent
  • Steam basically cleans the stove
  • Steam duck as an all-rounder in the oven
  • Microfiber cloth with warm water cleans quickly
  • Remove all cleaners with plenty of water
  • preventively lay aluminum foil on the grates
  • automatic cleaning hardly creates grease dirt
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