Home Crochet baby clothesDIY Guide - Making and painting a baby belly plaster cast

DIY Guide - Making and painting a baby belly plaster cast

  • What is needed "> Preparation
  • Plaster impression of pregnancy belly
    • Apply plaster bandages
    • Let it harden
    • Curing and grinding
    • Decorating and refining
  • Paint baby belly imprint

The baby belly plaster cast never lets a mother forget how tall and round her baby belly once was. It's just a nice memory and so you can show the kids how tall he was when they were safe in there. The plaster cast is not difficult to make and can be designed according to your needs and tastes. Ideally, the plaster cast is made by the abdomen in the last trimester of pregnancy, then the abdomen is nicely developed. You should not do it in the last three weeks of pregnancy. Sustaches change the shape of the abdomen and it gets more and more exhausting.

What is needed?

Generally plaster bandages are needed, preferably in two different widths. In addition, there are some items that serve cleanliness and the protection of the abdomen. A helper or a helper are extremely helpful, but you get the impression, but it is much more difficult and not so much fun.

  • 4 to 6 narrow plaster bandages (8 - 10 cm wide)
  • 2 to 3 wide plaster bandages (16 cm wide)

Artex bandages are most suitable, they bind much faster, but are also more expensive. Normal bandages are often quite rough, heavy and they fringe too. So when choosing, look for finer, light bandages that barely or not at all fray.

  • Vaseline and body oil
  • towels
  • scissors
  • Warm water
  • Disposable gloves
  • Foil or underlay to prevent gypsum stains

For further processing:

  • abrasive paper
  • surface finishing
  • Acrylic paint, paint, brush etc.


It is important to rub the skin, which is later covered by the plaster bandages, thickly with Vaseline. Body oil or milking fat can also be used. The babybump, but also the chest and up to the armpits, everything should be creamed thick. Lubricate armpit and pubic hair well and then cover with a thin plastic wrap so that it does not peel off when removing. Are the games shaved, grease enough.

Subsequently, the expectant mother should take a comfortable sitting position. When sitting, always bear in mind that the abdomen is compressed. When lying flattens the belly slightly and, the breasts slide sideways, the impression does not look natural. The best thing to do while sitting is to put a larger pillow under your back. Important is a very relaxed position, because it has to be held for some time. If a pillow is used, this covering, as well as the seat element. It does not work without spraying and drops. It is important that the belly does not rest very much on the thighs, otherwise the abdominal border can not be shaped well.

Tip: The best impression you get in a standing position. However, this is too tiring for many pregnant women, as it can take up to an hour for the gypsum to set. Then he should be allowed to dry for 20 minutes.

Plaster impression of pregnancy belly

Apply plaster bandages

Step 1: Cut the wide plaster bandages. The best are about 50 cm long strips (belly parts).

Step 2: Cut the narrow plaster bandages into pieces of about 10 cm (breasts and décolleté).

Tip: Do not cut all the roles - so you can work on longer or shorter pieces in difficult places.

Step 3: Spread the foil or pad to protect against stains on the floor.

Step 4: Immerse the first piece briefly in warm water, then briefly express and lay on the stomach. For most bandages one side is more coated and has a rough surface. This page should be on top. You start at the bottom of your stomach and work your way up piece by piece

Step 5: Smooth well with your finger until the grooves of the plaster bandage are almost gone. The now liquid gypsum must be well distributed.

Step 6: Wet the next piece, press and overlap slightly over and over the first piece.

Step 7: The pieces of cloth are loosely distributed gradually on the stomach, chest and everywhere from which the impression is to be made. First put on a complete shift and then move on to the next one.

Step 8: Smooth the soft plaster as much as possible so that the structure of the fabric disappears. At least two to three layers must be placed one above the other so that the impression holds together at the end. Use only one layer over the nipples, otherwise it will be flattened!

Let it harden

Step 9: Carefully loosen and remove the baby abdomen print and hang it up to dry or place it on a soft pillow on the side of the stomach.

Step 10: Showers and then cream the "affected lots" well.

Tip: The model should not breathe too much and should not move, especially not when the gypsum starts to come loose. The whole impression can shift and fall apart. Depending on the bandages used they dissolve after 30 to 60 minutes from the stomach. By careful breathing, one can help to get more and more detached. With a hair dryer, the drying process can be accelerated. Before removing the mold, check with your finger if it is hard.

Curing and grinding

Step 11: After drying, the plaster cast must be sanded.

Step 12: If there are still thin or unstable places, they can be reworked.

Tip: If you would like to give the impression an individual and special shape, you can sketch it with a pencil and cut along this line.

Step 13: Now the mask is cropped. So that the edge is smooth and not frayed, put moist plaster strips over the edges. This results in smooth, flat edges.

Decorating and refining

Step 14: The surface is now smoothed with a surface treatment. Small bumps and holes can be compensated. This refinement costs at least 10 € quite a book, but is definitely a worthwhile investment. If you want to save the money, you should give a lot of effort when applying and grinding. The finishing smooths the surface and the impression looks like it from a piece.

Mix the smoothing paste with sufficient water according to the mixing ratio given by the manufacturer. Give water, if the paste becomes too firm, you can at any time. However, mixing in more powder afterwards becomes difficult. If you have done everything right, the mass should be like a dough. Then apply the paste everywhere on the belly - we used 400 g of the powder. Spread the paste evenly with dry fingers and the palm of your hand - with a squeegee you can level large areas very well. For the edges and wrinkles under the breast, the fingertips are better suited.

Step 15: If the abdomen has a smooth, even surface, then let everything dry and cut off all threads and bumps.

Step 16: Then apply a surface finishing agent - a paste that turns slightly greyish after mixing. This protects against yellowing, but also compensates for small bumps. It is also a good primer for painting. Beware, the remedy makes nasty stains that are very difficult to wash out. Apply a thick coat to the outside of the mask with a brush.

Step 17: Now let everything dry well again.

Step 18: When everything is smooth and even, the baby bump can be painted and decorated.

Step 19: At the end paint everything, so the impression can be better cleaned when it is dusty.

A nice idea to give away to expectant mothers is the "3D Memories-Gypsum-Imprint" set. Included is everything you need, including detailed instructions. Also the vaseline for the belly, and brush or colors for painting are included. For about 15 euros that is certainly a welcome gift. For about 10 euros more you get a set in which instead of conventional plaster bandages, as you can buy them in pharmacies, artefacts. These special bandages should harden faster, after 20 minutes you should be able to remove the hardened belly. If that's true, this set would be ideal for taking the impression while standing.

Paint baby belly imprint

In the design of the impression you can let his imagination run wild. Important is a primer with Acrylkreidegrund, which serves as a sealer at the same time. When the primer has dried, the motif of choice can be brushed on. Recommended are acrylic paints, as they are the easiest to mix, but in principle any color can be used. On request, also bows, borders, flowers, pearls or glittering stones can serve for decorating. There are many suggestions on the World Wide Web.

With colored spray paint you can quickly and evenly apply color - we have chosen a silver spray paint. This is how the impression becomes a real gem.

On the wall, on the shelf or the sideboard this belly looks beautiful. This unique item is an important memento for every mother. So put the belly skilfully in scene!

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