Home Crochet baby clothesMake finger paint itself - 3 recipes

Make finger paint itself - 3 recipes

  • Three recipes for homemade finger paint
    • Recipe 1
    • Instructional Video
    • Recipe 2
    • Recipe 3

Making finger paint yourself has many advantages. It is non-toxic and can be safely used by the youngest. In addition, the finger color is easy to produce. The ingredients are sure to be at home. We show you three recipes with which you can make your own finger paint as fast as lightning.

The homemade paint is very popular among toddlers - just touching the color will delight the little ones. Mixing flour and water and slushing with color will activate your child's senses. In addition, the finger paint is absolutely non-toxic. There are no concerns about whether chemical additives could harm your child, once they put the paint in their mouths. So the paint for babies is also very suitable. Another advantage of the paint, you can easily remove the paint from smooth surfaces such as glass or plastic. For example, the color is also suitable for painting windows.

Just make sure that the food coloring on bright and rough surfaces (white walls, wooden table, etc.) may also leave colored residue.

Three recipes for homemade finger paint

Recipe 1

For the simplest recipe to make finger paint yourself, all you need is:

  • 100 ml of water
  • 5 tablespoons flour
  • Food coloring
  • lockable glass jar (jam jar, mason jar)

First, pour the water (100 ml) into a bowl. Note that this could eventually get colored by the food coloring - so take a bowl that does not discourage discoloration.

Then add 5 tablespoons of flour to the water. Stir the mixture until no more flour lumps are visible. This can take some time.

Now only the food coloring has to be added. The amount of color depends on how intense the hue should be. First, take a little and grope after stirring more and more to the intensity of the desired color. Fill the flour-water mixture into lockable glass jars - there the food coloring can be added and stirred. So you can mix several colors from a mixture.

Instructional Video

Done is the organic finger paint!

Recipe 2

For a slightly different consistency of color, use this recipe. To make this finger paint for kids, you need:

  • 1/4 cup cornstarch
  • 2 cups of water
  • Food coloring
  • lockable container

To start, mix corn starch and water in a pot. The mixture is then heated with constant stirring. Make sure that the water does not boil and that no lumps remain.

Once this is done, let this mass cool down and fill it into various lockable containers.

Now you can mix different finger paints with different food colors. Try adding the food coloring first and then touch the color you want. Each container is then filled with a different color.

Done is this finger paint!

Recipe 3

A more elaborate recipe for finger paint looks like this. You need:

  • ½ cup of grated curd soap
  • Chalk in the desired shades or food coloring
  • 1 cup cornmeal
  • 6 cups of water
  • lockable glass containers

The grated soap is boiled together with the cornstarch and the water. Once this mixture boils, let it stand on low heat for about 5 minutes.

When the time is up, allow the mass to cool down and distribute it to various lockable containers - as many containers as you want to mix.
Now you can grate chalk or mash and mix in the respective container. Food coloring is also suitable here.

The homemade finger paint is now ready and can be used. Just make sure before use that the color is not hot anymore.

Painting with finger paint will impress your kids. Only the production of the finger color and the creative Rummatschen will love them. You will be spared any worries. Try it!

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