Home generalKnitting in circles: knit in rounds - DIY instructions

Knitting in circles: knit in rounds - DIY instructions

  • Material and preparation
  • Knit in rounds
    • With the needle game
    • With the circular needle
    • Knit pattern in rounds
  • Exercise project | Knit cups
    • wall
    • basketweave
    • ground
  • Possible variations

In this guide, we'll explain two different ways to knit in rounds. You learn how to handle needles and circular needles and what to look for when knitting a pattern in a circle. In addition, we show you a small exercise project with the needle game, namely a cute little basket.

You already know how to knit in rows, but would like to knit a project in rounds "> Material and Preparation

knitting needles

There are two ways to knit in a circle: with a pinstripe or with a circular needle. A needlelot consists of five needles, each with two points. In a circular needle, two needles are connected by a cable. The needle game is suitable for projects in which the circular knitted piece has a small diameter, for example for socks or a cap.

For larger rounds, such as a loop or a bag, you better use a circular needle . These are available with different cable lengths. Make sure the length matches the size of your lap. In addition, needle strength is important in both methods. On the banderole of your wool you will find a recommendation from the manufacturer.

Wool and mesh

In principle, you can knit with any wool in rounds. For your first try, it's best to use a non-spun yarn (no fleece or anything like that) because it's the easiest to knit. If your project depends on the dimensions, make a stitch test. To do this, knit a piece in the chosen pattern and measure how many rows and stitches make ten centimeters . Now you can calculate how many stitches you need to apply to get the measurements you want.

Knit in rounds

With the needle game

Use as many stitches on a needled needle as you need for your project.

Distribute the mesh evenly on four needles.

Arrange the four needles into a square. The working thread hangs on the last stitch of the fourth needle.

Now use this and the free fifth needle to knit the stitches of the first needle. The round is now closed, that is, the four needles are connected in a circle.

Tip: There is often a gap at the stop edge at the beginning of the lap. On the other hand there is a trick. Make one more stitch than you need and place it on the fourth needle. When you finish the round, slide the last stitch of the fourth needle to the first one (without knitting it). Now knit this stitch together with the first stitch on the first needle. Insert into both stitches at the same time and knit as if it were a single stitch.

After all stitches of the first needle are knitted, you have a free needle again . Now use these to work the stitches of the second needle. Follow the same procedure for the third and fourth needle. After knitting the stitches of the fourth needle, the first round is done .

For the second round, start again with the stitches of the first needle. You do not have to use the work differently than in row knitting.

Tip: If you would like to count the number of laps, mark the first stitch of the first needle, for example, a different colored thread or a special stitch marker. At the beginning, you will recognize the lap crossing at the stop thread, which hangs down at this point. If you knit a long piece, this clue becomes more and more difficult to recognize.

If your piece of knitting is long enough, chain all stitches in the usual technique over the entire round and sew the hanging threads.

With the circular needle

Hit your required stitches on one end of the circular needle. Then spread the stitches over the entire length of the two needles and the connection cable. Bring the needles together in knitting position . The working thread hangs on the right needle and the cable is behind the needles. Knit the first stitch of the left needle. This automatically closes the round.

Tip: Make a mark between the first and the last stitch if you want to count the rounds. If you do not have a stitch marker, you can use a ring or a different colored thread.

Continue to knit the stitches of the left needle. You do not need to turn. The already knitted stitches automatically return to the left needle in the next round. Once your piece of knitting is long enough, chain the entire round as usual.

Tip: The trick described for knitting with double-needle play for a gapless stop edge also works on the circular needle. Slide the additional mesh from the right to the left needle.

Knit pattern in rounds

If you want to knit patterns in a circle, you have to keep in mind that the work will not be reversed, unlike inline knitting. Right meshes therefore always give a flat V-shape on the outside and left-hand stitches create a knot. On the inside, the stitches appear reversed. To knit smooth right, you only need to work right stitches in each round.

Descriptions of knit patterns are usually designed for knitting in rows unless you are specifically designed for a knit project . To knit the pattern in a circle, you need to adjust the instructions. When rowing a distinction between back and forth rows, which is usually noted in the description (otherwise there are odd numbers for Hinreihen and straight for back rows). Lining up is the row you look at while knitting on the later front of the work, while in reverse you see the back.

The rows can be knit in rounds according to your description. For the backsheets, you must read the line backwards and knit left stitches, if right are specified and vice versa. If the pattern is plotted, read all the rows from right to left in the circular knit and knit the back rows with reversed stitches, ie right instead of left and vice versa.

Exercise project | Knit cups

Material and preparation

For a basket, a residue of a simple polyacrylic yarn is sufficient. On the banderole of your wool, you will find out which needle sizes the manufacturer recommends. Use the smallest indicated thickness and knit very tightly so that the basket gets a stable wall. The piece from this guide is five inches high and has five inches in diameter. We knitted with needle size 2.5. With your yarn, the basket may become larger or smaller. Just try how many stitches you need.

That's what you need to knit for the basket:

  • wool rest
  • Needle game in matching strength
  • Needle for sewing


They start with the top of the basket. Hit 48 stitches, spread them on four needles and close the round. If you change the mesh size, note that it must be divisible by six for the braid pattern. Knit four rounds of right stitches. Then you work in the braiding pattern.


1st - 3rd round: 1 stitch left, 2 stitches right, 3 stitches left

4th - 6th round: 4 stitches left, 2 stitches right

Repeat the instructions until you have completely knitted the rounds. If the wall for your basket seems high enough for you, start with the floor.


Work the floor completely out of right-hand stitches . Knit two rounds before starting to lose stitches. To remove a stitch, knit it together with the following. Insert into both stitches at the same time and knit like a single stitch. As a result, your mesh size will become smaller and the diameter of your lap smaller.

The aim is to remove the stitches so that the ground is almost flat. Bend the knit at the transition from the wall to the floor. In the end, all four needles should be in the middle of the piece and only a few stitches left. Try out how many stitches you need to lose to get your flat yarn to bottom .

We have decreased as follows:

3rd round (of the bottom): knit the last two stitches on each needle
5th round: knit every 6th stitch with the 7th
7th round: knit every 5th stitch with the 6th
9th round: knit every 4th stitch with the 5th
Round 11: knit every 3rd stitch with the 4th stitch
12th round: knit two stitches together

Thread the thread onto a wool needle and thread it through each stitch. Remove the knitting needles and pull the bottom together.

Sew on any drooping threads. Roll the top edge outward and press the cup into shape.

Possible variations

1. Knit the basket in any other pattern . Remember to adjust the pattern for knitting in rounds as described above. Also pay attention to how many stitches the pattern requires.

2. Leave the rolled edge at the top by knitting in the pattern from the first round.

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