Home generalRemove nail polish from clothing | 10 tips for all textiles

Remove nail polish from clothing | 10 tips for all textiles

  • Tip # 1: Act fast
  • Tip # 2: Do not rub
  • Tip # 3: Dab off nail polish carefully
  • Tip # 4: Check the material of the textile
  • Tip # 5: Select the correct antidote
  • Tip # 6: Test compatibility
  • Tip # 7: Apply remover correctly
    • Application of liquid agents
    • Application of sprays
  • Tip # 8: Rinse textile
  • Tip # 9: Wash clothes
  • Tip # 10: Prevent nail polish stains

Evenly applied nail polish is a magnificent ornament for fingernails and toenails. However, one does not like to see him on his own clothes. In this post, we'll tell you how to remove nail polish from clothing. In doing so, we will discuss various substances - including sensitive ones such as silk or linen. Just follow our ten tips to get rid of unwanted blobs.

It is a wonderfully sensual act to paint your fingernails or toenails. But admiring the radiant color, it sometimes happens that one or the other drop goes wrong - and lands on the beloved clothes. Light to heavy panic spreads: "How the hell will I get rid of the nail polish patch"> Tip # 1: Act fast

As with the removal of other stains, it is also important for impurities by nail polish to act quickly after the mishap. Always start your countermeasures as long as the nail polish is still liquid. If he has time to dry, he usually sticks rather stubbornly in the fabric of your clothes and is difficult to remove.

In short: Do not chatter for minutes, but react! The more likely it is to be able to remove the nail polish stains without too much effort without leaving a trace.

Note: Many nail varnishes available today are and will be praised by their manufacturers as fast drying. In itself a big advantage, but ... If a drop lands on the clothes, the fast drying speed is not good. For that reason alone, you should not dawdle, but immediately start with the countermeasures.

Tip # 2: Do not rub

Under no circumstances should you try to wipe the nail polish off with your fingers or a cloth. This only causes the paint penetrates deeper into the textile fibers and literally einnistet and festkrallt. In addition, there is always the risk when rubbing, the nail polish spots rather than to eliminate.

Tip # 3: Dab off nail polish carefully

Instead of aggressively rubbing away the nail polish, you should dab it as completely as possible from the clothing. But: be careful. Do not push - it is better to touch the spot gently. As an aid to dabbing, among other things:

  • cotton ball
  • cotton swab
  • tissue
  • cotton cloth

It is important to use an absorbent utensil. Depending on the size of the nail polish spots, certain elements are better suited than others. For example, for a tiny spot measuring only a few millimeters, you usually do not need more than a cotton swab. For larger stains, use a cotton ball, paper or cotton cloth.

Tip # 4: Check the material of the textile

Do you know from which materials the nail polish stained textile is exactly made ">

Important: Textiles containing acetate, triacetate or modacrylic must not be treated with acetone or acetone-containing detergents or benzine. They do not tolerate these harsh solvents. If fragile textiles come into contact with one of these agents, the fabrics are liable to melt and dissolve. This is logically to prevent.

Tip # 5: Select the correct antidote

As shown in Tip # 4, textiles containing acetate, triacetate and modacrylic must not be treated with acetone and benzine. Even so, depending on the substance, certain cleaners are more compatible and effective.

For textiles containing acetate, triacetate or modacrylic, you can use rubbing alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, hair or insect spray to remove the nail polish. For real silk, linen, cotton or denim jeans, classic nail polish removers with acetone or pure acetone, benzine, rubbing alcohol, hair or insect spray are potential solutions. Suits and other expensive clothes should be put into the professional cleaning. Tell them right away that they are nail polish stains.

Attention: Some nail polish removers contain oil. Never use such products to remove nail polish from your clothing. Otherwise, you risk having no less ugly grease spots on the textiles after the nail polish stains, which are often harder to remove.

In short: If you want to use nail polish remover as an antidote, take one without oil!

Here are the possible cleaning agents for the different types of fabric again in the overview:

materialcleaning supplies
Silk, linen, cotton, denim jeansNail polish remover without oil, pure acetone, benzene, cleaning alcohol, hair spray, insect spray
Fabrics with acetate, triacetate or modacrylicCleaning alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, hair spray, insect spray
Suits, elaborate clothesto give in the professional cleaning

Tip # 6: Test compatibility

Whichever cleaning product you want to use, check it BEFORE the lavish application on an inconspicuous area of ​​nail polish stained clothing. An ideal test area is the edge of the hem on the inside of the fabric.

How it works in detail:

Step 1: Apply a little of your selected remedy to a cotton ball.
Step 2: Dab the textile in the blind spot.
Step 3: Wait a few minutes and observe the reaction of the substance with the detergent.

a) There is no strange change "> Tip # 7: Apply removal agent correctly

Now apply the selected cleaning agent. We explain the correct procedure for liquids and sprays. Preparation is the same for both methods.

You need this:

  • Kitchen paper or absorbent cloth towels
  • suitable cleaning agent (see tips # 5 and # 6)
  • old / cheap toothbrush (only for sprays!)
  • gloves *
  • Tact
    * The gloves are designed to prevent possible skin irritation.


Step 1: Spread kitchen paper or an absorbent cloth on the table or other insensitive surface.
Step 2: Place the garment stained with nail polish on the paper or cloth so that the stain rests directly on it (the left side of the fabric should face you).

stain removal

Nail polish stains can be removed with liquid detergents or sprays.

Application of liquid agents

Possible liquids include:

  • nail polish remover
  • pure acetone
  • benzine
  • rubbing alcohol
  • hydrogen peroxide

Step 1: Apply the liquid on a dry, lint-free and absorbent cloth.
2nd step: Dab the nail polish stain with the cloth.

Note: Do this from outside to inside so as not to enlarge the stain.

Step 3: Move / replace the kitchen paper or cloth in between. This will ensure that the absorbent pad can absorb more of the nail polish.
Step 4: Repeat steps 1 to 3 until the nail polish stain no longer rubs off.

Application of sprays

Possible sprays include:

  • hairsprays
  • insect sprays

Step 1: Spray the spray on an old or cheap toothbrush.
Step 2: Guide the toothbrush over the nail polish spot in a circular motion.

Note: Apply light pressure to avoid damaging the fabric.

Step 3: Move or replace the kitchen paper or cloth every now and then.

Tip # 8: Rinse textile

Are the nail polish stains removed that far? Then rinse the cleaned area with clear cold water. In this way, the aggressive solvent does not stay longer than absolutely necessary in the fabric of your clothing.

Tip # 9: Wash clothes

Wash the garment according to the previous procedure as usual by hand or in the washing machine. Be sure to follow the manufacturer's instructions regarding temperature and wash cycle.

Tip # 10: Prevent nail polish stains

After the relatively tedious cleaning act you want to save the effort in the future certainly. We have four practical tips for preventing nail polish stains:

1. To polish your fingernails or toenails, wear clothing that may be stained.
2. Cover the critical areas with kitchen paper or an old cloth.
3. To protect not only your clothes, but also your textile environment (carpet, upholstered furniture) from nail polish stains, it is advisable to paint the nails in the bathroom on tiles. In the event that a drop goes wrong, the removal of the nail polish is no problem here.
4. Do not touch any textiles or other objects after painting. Wait for the nail polish to dry completely.

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