Home generalOlive tree has yellow and brown leaves - common causes

Olive tree has yellow and brown leaves - common causes

Yellow and / or brown leaves are the first sign that an olive tree is not feeling well and therefore cause corresponding alarm. If they are, even if these signs are not resolved, it will not remain on discolored leaves ... there are remedies in the article. There are many possible causes of yellow and brown leaves, some of which are more common / likely to be present in German climate / light than others. Below is a roadmap through the cause research with suggestions for the healing of the olive tree:

The causes of yellow and brown leaves

Yellow and brown leaves can have a whole lot of causes, here are these for an olive tree in Germany in descending probability handled:

  • Yellow / brown leaves after winter with a tendency to "adopt": overwintering damage, see article "Olive tree loses leaves"
  • Yellow and brown leaves can be caused by dryness.
  • Watering less in the winter is true, but the earth must not dry out.
  • In the middle of growth, perhaps with flowers and quite a bit of heat, an olive tree needs a lot of water.
  • Dehydrate olive trees either into fresh, storable substrate or dip and drain very well.
  • What is recommended depends on how far the roots have already "conquered" the pot.
  • If water runs down the bottom of the pot after each watering, the olive probably suffers from the opposite: too much water - olive trees like it to be too dry rather than too wet in case of doubt.
  • Also possible: Earth is so compacted that the olive tree stands despite drain hole in the wet.
  • Or the drain hole is clogged.
  • Maybe the olive tree is also in a black pot and you are cooking the roots. - Remedy: Paint pot white or beat in bright fabric.
  • Cover surface of the substrate with white pebbles, also protects against too much heat.
  • If an olive tree stands so that it gets sun through glass, the leaves could be burned.
  • Set a bit more shady or temporarily shade when the sun comes up "in the focal angle"
  • Yellow and brown leaves for pests, diseases, fungi see corresponding article
  • Of course, theoretically, a lack of nutrients could be the reason, but in olive trees, this is really rare. - Remedy: Replace the old substrate, fertilize, see "Cultivating Olive Tree".
  • Again, though, over-fertilization can be the cause as well. - Remedy: If it is bad, also replace the substrate, not and rarely fertilize in the future.
  • Yellow and brown leaves after airing the winter quarters, which do not fall off, can be caused by ice-cold airing. - Remedy: Change the olive tree or protect it with ventilated foil (in the frame) when ventilating
  • Or the olive tree stands on an ice-cold glass pane, which is touched by the leaves. - Remedy: Change olive tree or glue translucent foil as insulation in front of the window.
  • Brown leaf tips in heated winter quarters may come from low humidity. - Remedy: Place water bowl should be enough with the olive tree, he does not need a particularly high humidity.

Tip - Yellow / brown leaves from the beginning + apparently pleasingly rapid growth, which produces unusually thin shoots on closer inspection: Clear sign of lack of light at the current location. Not infrequently in the olive tree, by switching and buying the wrong olive tree species (see profile) to cure only by installing an additional plant light.

Yellow and brown leaves have to go

In the leaves, photosynthesis takes place, an important part of plant nutrition, capable of photosynthesis are only green leaves - yellow and brown leaves must be removed if they can no longer "photosynthesize".

If that is the case, you should let the olive tree decide for yourself, it only sheds dead leaves, in every yellow and brown leaf there may still be some green "hidden", which allows a rest of photosynthesis, and leaves of a certain yellowing can even recover, so turn green again.

If you lose your dying leaves too soon, you'll inflict more injury on the olive tree, "open wounds, " which it will now have to close in addition to all the stress.

Tip - There are theoretically all sorts of diseases and pests that can cause yellow / brown leaves. In practice, the first yellow / brown leaves, if they are so far advanced or have reached levels that the plant is just received, then only helps a radical cure (see "Olive Tree Pests"). Or they cause obvious patterns, stains, holes, streaks, then even the care mistakes that made pests and diseases possible, but before that you should read in the articles about olive tree diseases and olive tree pests, whether this effort still worth it ...

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