Home generalCut olive tree - in 7 steps to the right cut

Cut olive tree - in 7 steps to the right cut

  • Pruning: Deko tree
  • Pruning: olive tree trunks
  • Cut back of an olive tree for harvesting

Each tree can be pruned in several ways, including the olive tree, it tolerates the cut even better than most other woody plants. You get an overview of the cutting purposes, but do not necessarily have to do something - Ornamental olives grow without cutting the most beautiful. There is not only a right cut for an olive tree, but many different. These are briefly introduced, along with the best news on the olive section: Olive trees can handle every cut, but normal decorative olives do not have to be cut (almost) at all:

Pruning: Deko tree

This is best cropped little:

  • He's all by himself the beautiful character that we like about Him
  • The branch on the wrong side can be circumcised
  • Theoretically, the evergreen olive trees can always be cropped as much as you like
  • An olive tree in Germany is not necessarily, it gets us anything but the warmth and the light, which he is used to from home
  • In this suboptimal environment, it should be pruned when it costs it the least power: in the spring just before the shoot
  • Due to lack of light and heat, the olive tree grows much slower here
  • Therefore, the cut as much restraint as possible is announced
  • Especially when an olive tree in the tub should become so strong that it can be planted out
  • Then he should be able to use all his strength to build a nice thick trunk
  • The more natural an olive tree is allowed to grow, the more rustic its shape becomes

But if anything has to be formed on the olive tree, he does not mind corrections, olive trees usually regenerate very well. In case of doubt, the inner crown must be shaped, and if the growth is too dense, it must be shaped. In addition, all are removed too tight, crossing, inward or otherwise strange or weak-looking branches. The whole season, from August should not be cut anymore, now the olive tree has to ripen its branches - especially when hibernating in the open air.

Tip - The stronger the pruning, the more the olive tree needs shade afterwards. He is currently moving back into the open air and needs time to get used to the light anyway, and the days around strong trimming a rest break. After a few days, he gets more sun, when he shows the first new shoots, he is more watered and - from now on regularly - fertilized.

Pruning: olive tree trunks

This is different with the olive tree trunk, which was decisively preformed:

  • If he is to stay that way, he has to be circumcised regularly every spring
  • All overhanging branches are removed all around the crown
  • Also, if you cut away all the shoots that appear under the crown area, the high stem will only remain a high stem
  • Otherwise normal cut care as just described in the decorative olive tree

Unless you only have one high stem because they have not found another olive tree and you would much rather have a really nice rustic olive. Then you can grow (almost) all shoots on the trunk, and also the crown may spread in all directions, only airy it must be kept. Normally, with this treatment, you will manage to make your olive tree look like a "real olive tree", and the finishing grade will beat through the finishing touches.

Cut back of an olive tree for harvesting

The olive tree for harvesting needs regular pruning:

  • It develops best from the natural shrub form
  • He should first be allowed to grow as freely as possible
  • It should form a piece of trunk, and knobbly branches - the gnarled trees to carry most olives
  • After 7 to 10 years, the first fruits are applied
  • Now the fruity cut begins once a year after the harvest
  • The trunk is preserved, shoots below the grown crown are removed
  • Above is cut back all around, because olive trees develop their flowers on the new shoots

Tip - If your olive harvest is to taste good, you will need to light up the olive tree. The season with us is too short to let the olives ripen, the time of maturity falls with us depending on the variety in the middle of the winter.

root pruning

The olive tree is repotted when the roots have conquered the pot, and the roots are pruned when repotting. Often they have already developed unhealthy growth forms: If long snakes or thick cross-growing "branches in the ground" have formed, they must go. The fine roots are only checked for malformations and otherwise trimmed all around to stimulate the growth.

Heilschnitt and Rejuvenation cut

Dead or sickly-looking shoots are cut away during normal cut care in the spring.

In olives rare, but it may happen that the olive tree is infected by an illness or pests in such quantities that you can save it only by a Radikalschnitt. Another reason for a Radikalschnitt is the rejuvenation of very old trees with already declining, sparse growth. The Radikalschnitt is simple: saw olive tree, to the stump, only a few strong ground-level shoots leave.

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