Home generalSew star - free instructions with template for star pendant

Sew star - free instructions with template for star pendant

  • Material and preparation
  • Sew star
  • Quick guide

The first advent is coming soon and we are thinking about how to decorate the house this year. What always looks nice are stars that you can hang on a branch. You could hang the branch, for example, directly in front of the window or in a corner. The stars are made of jersey fabric and stuffed with cotton wool.

We'll show you how to sew such a star. It is very simple and therefore suitable for beginners. The great thing is, you can use the stars every year at Christmas time.

Material and preparation

Difficulty level 1/5
suitable for beginners

Material costs 1/5
0.5 m jersey costs about 6 - 12 €
1 kg of filling wadding costs about 4 €

Time expenditure 2/5
including download of the cut about 1 h

For a star you need the following materials:

  • Classic sewing machine
  • 3 different jersey fabrics (possibly cotton fabrics)
  • fiberfill
  • 2 buttons
  • Dekoband
  • Needle, yarn
  • Scissors or rotary cutter and cutting mat

The material selection

You need at least 3 different jersey fabrics, cotton wool and two buttons for a star.

We chose a jersey fabric with white flowers in black, a speckled fabric in gray and a white fabric with black dots. Although these fabrics do not have a Christmas pattern, that's why the star may stay with us in the living room over winter.

The amount of material

We need a total of 10 small diamonds for a star.

Note: It is an advantage to work with existing scraps because we do not need that much material.

The pattern

First, please print the pattern without page customization, which is the actual print size on A4 paper.

Sewing pattern download for star

Make sure that the printing is done correctly, otherwise the pattern may become too small.

We cut from two fabrics, according to our pattern, each 4 diamonds and from the third fabric only 2 diamonds are cut, because our star consists of 5 points.

Note: If you like, you can also sew the star out of 6 diamonds so that the pattern repeats itself regularly. You can then draw a six-pointed star as a shape for your individual pattern.

Tip: If you do not have a lot of time and sewing is fast, you can only cut 5 different diamonds for the front and sew the back of a fabric only.

Sew star

Before we start sewing, we put the diamonds on the work surface so we can see what the star should look like in the end. Then we pick up two opposing fabrics and put them right to right. Now we sew together only one inner edge (= shorter edge) with an elastic stitch.

Note: We sew with an elastic stitch because we chose the elastic jersey fabric. Of course, once you've decided on the cotton fabric, you simply sew the star together with a simple degree stitch.

Next, we take the adjacent rhombus from the work surface and place it right to right on one of the already sewn together diamonds. Then we sew together again only the inner edge. We repeat this until we have sewn the whole star. That means we sewed 5 diamonds together and the front is finished.

Now we have to decide what the backside should look like. As already mentioned, you can only take one fabric and cut the back according to our pattern.

We sew the back as well as the front. When we are done, we put the two stars on the right and at a point we put a loop to hang inside. Now we can sew the star around it. Of course we leave an opening for turning.

Finally, we turn the fabric to the right and stuff the star with the stuffing so that it is completely filled. Then we close the turning opening by hand or with the classic sewing machine.

Our star is almost done! Now only the two buttons are pressed in the middle and sewn on both sides by hand.

Tip: If you do not have buttons, you can also sew a loop in the middle.

So the star is finished and we can hang it on a branch!

Quick guide

01. Cut the fabrics according to the pattern.
02. Place two diamonds right to right.
03. Sew together the shorter and inner edges.
04. Lay the third diamond on the second diamond right to right.
05. Repeat all steps of the manual until a star is formed.
06. Sew the back side together as well.
07. Place front and back side right to right.
08. Lay a loop inside in a jag.
09. Sew together the two stars around and leave a turn-around opening free.
10. Turn the work over to the right.
11. Plug the star with the filling wadding.
12. Close the turning opening.
13. Sew on two buttons at the front and back in the middle.

Have fun sewing!

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