Home generalOlive tree trunks - care instructions

Olive tree trunks - care instructions

Olive trees are currently being offered in large quantities as a high strain. Botanically, these are the true Olea europaea (though mostly of two varieties, underlay and refinement). Practically, they have only a limited extent to do with real olive trees, which makes the care is not just easier. The "Trend Tree Olive" is often pulled and sold as olive tree trunks, a single thin trunk is namely in the olive plant pull up faster than anything. A real, robust Olive is not that, which makes the care ticklish and otherwise has disadvantages:

An olive tree tribe is not a true olive tree

If you are reading this series of articles, because you are thinking about buying an olive tree, first of all a little warning: If you want to grow old with your olive tree, an olive tree high strain is not necessarily the right one for you.

  • Olive tree trunks can be raised very quickly
  • This is exactly what is done, the rapidly growing initial instinct is cut off only in stately height
  • While normally attention is paid to decent branching of strong main branches during rearing ...
  • This construction, which is atypical for olives, is reinforced by high-set branches that carry the crown
  • The then also be formed into a very small round, untypically dense crown
  • The quality of the root system usually remains on track for this fast growth
  • So an olive would never grow voluntarily, and this structure does not necessarily do her good
  • Tight crowns favor, for example, fungal infestation, even plant lice feel comfortable in the thicket

The whole thing you get in a (too) small pot and with inferior soil, often from a camp that is really not suitable for plants, either dried or poured soaking wet - most olive tree trunks must first be repotted and thoroughly nursed. Try to set the high strain in real garden soil with sand, which is the most gentle for him and gives him opportunities for recreation.

Tip: Olive tree trunks are often refined so that they carry olives very quickly. However, these olives are only tasted under two conditions: 1. A second olive is nearby (even in self-pollinators), cross-pollination improves the quality of the fruit considerably. 2. Additional lighting so that the olives can ripen in our climate. Plant lighting is available today with LEDs, causing operating costs of a few euros a month.

Care instructions for the olive tree tribe

If your high tribe is to remain a high tribe, it needs above all regular cut care:

  • He was brought into a form that runs counter to natural growth
  • He will only keep this shape if you make it through trimming
  • So regularly in spring remove all branches that grow out of the round crown
  • And you have to constantly, also in between, remove all shoots on the trunk that grow below the crown
  • The crown itself is illuminated during the cut care
  • You should first remove the shoots that look sickly, grow across, etc.

Otherwise, the olive trees high strains are maintained as well as the normal olives, to be found in "Olive tree on the balcony - care in the bucket".

However, with two special features:

1. You need a lot of care in order to grow the turbo plant well. Be prepared for the fact that the olive tree starts to stop growth, this is no reason to despair, but rather good. The tree then tries to form a decent root, and it also needs it to take care of itself.

2. An olive tree high stem can and should in the summer on the balcony, but can never be planted in a German garden. For this, the trunk would have to be thicker, much thicker - since the trunk is the trunk but constantly trimmed and the growth takes place in the finished crown, this is impossible. So cold training is not worth it, if the Hochstamm is to remain a Hochstamm, you can simply overwinter it well protected.

Tip: If your olive tree tribe gets nuisance or gets too hard for you, you could just let it grow, and with luck, it will become a real quaint olive. Then at some point the underlay will take over the power of the refined olive tree tribe, and that is usually a really robust olive variety. Whether it is worth preparing this olive tree for a life in the German garden, you still do not know then, because you will hardly know what type of olive is. However, you do not have good chances, this is more about high-growth varieties that are as soon as possible trees ready for sale and not for frost hardiness.

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