Home Crochet baby clothesPromote fine motor skills in children - Why crafts are so important

Promote fine motor skills in children - Why crafts are so important

  • Crafting - an optimal employment
  • Crafting and fine motor skills
  • Tinker with small children
  • Tinker with kindergarten children
  • Crafts from the primary school age

Crafting - an optimal employment

Whether Carnival, Easter, St. Martin or Christmas - there are enough occasions for crafting. And who is not proud of his home-made lantern, which can be displayed on the lantern procession or the poinsettias that decorate the home during the Advent season "> vertbaudet.de or offered at haba.de, promote patience and perseverance Scissors and paper are enough to give the little ones a treat, and so boring on rainy Sundays does not even come up with great craft ideas.

Crafting and fine motor skills

But not only boredom can be prevented with the tinkering. What many do not know: The basis for a clean and tidy typeface is a good fine motor development. The latter can be promoted by handicrafts. A child who has not developed fine motor skills according to his or her age can only follow the lessons with difficulty because he learns much harder and slower than his peers. The stage of development of the child also affects other areas of development. Especially in times of smartphones and tablets, the handling of paper, glue and scissors quickly becomes a minor matter. Already simple cutting exercises but the hand muscles and fine motor skills and the hand-eye coordination is practiced.

Handicraft instructions for the training of fine motor skills:

  • silhouette
  • Tinker with salt dough
  • Make crepe flowers
  • Scoubidou Guide
  • Tinker bead animals

Basteln also trains the dexterity; think, for example, of threading beads or tingling - a crafting technique in which small holes are punched into a piece of paper (optional cardboard) with a needle so that it can be removed.
Crafting is much more than a mere pastime: it promotes creativity, the ability to abstract and the ability to concentrate, which is indispensable for the school career. Crafts also require structured work as well as imagination, because children have to think in advance which step comes next. They quickly learn that the wrong order of action does not lead to the desired success and rethink their actions. If the respective project has succeeded, the little ones are proud of the results and confidence in their own abilities increases. No perfection is required here; Rather, it's about fun and games as well as testing and discovering ones own abilities.

Tinker with small children

As a rule, the first craft attempts consist of paintings. With the help of colored or felt pens, finger paints and co., The first works of art are created. The creativity knows no bounds - the cleanliness however very well! To prevent nasty stains, cover the table with a (washable) wax tablecloth! Thus, the valuable piece of furniture remains spared by color and glue residue.

Above all, make sure that the materials are non-toxic and that there is no risk of injury due to the tools, so that you can let your charges handle without worries. Especially small children like to put something in their mouths.

A great variation for early artists is homemade finger paint - here is the guide: Fingermalalfarbe make yourself

Children want and should explore their abilities. Therefore, it is advisable to match the craft ideas on the age, because it makes little sense to vorbeschaltet one-and-a-half years complicated cut-outs. For toddlers, it is difficult at first to work exactly. Do not underestimate your child, but create incentives!

Tinker with kindergarten children

From the age of about three years, most children can handle scissors and glue independently. Now it's time to dare to tackle the more complicated issues, such as a piece of paper shredded paper. Glue, sand, leaves and flowers create imaginative motifs. Especially the autumnal season, which is served with colorful leaves, is made for the popular adhesive pictures. Nevertheless, you should not lose sight of the offspring, so that you can intervene in case of emergency and support. Be a good role model and get involved, but do not take all the work off the child, as this will not work.

Crafts from the primary school age

Little by little, children can do trickier handicrafts such as working with origami paper or crafting with wool. You can also try on folding and adhesive templates. A variety of materials are available as children grow older: plaster, clay, salt dough, wood, pearls, glass or stone.

Instructions for primary school children:

  • Crafting with plaster
  • Paint stones
  • Edit soapstone
  • Origami instructions
  • decoupage

Crafting is a precious occupation, from which the little ones can only benefit!

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