Home generalRemove Scratches on Glass / Glass Table - Tips to Remove

Remove Scratches on Glass / Glass Table - Tips to Remove

  • All steps at a glance
  • Instructions - Remove scratches on glass table
    • provide overview
    • Mending with Canada balsam
    • Sand the glass table gently
    • Use a sander
    • polishing
    • Walk to the glazier
    • Protect glass table from scratches
  • Instructions for quick readers

A scratch in the glass table is unsightly, but in most cases inevitable. Tables belong to the everyday objects in our apartments and therefore receive lasting signs of wear for months and years. Scratches are the most common blemishes here. In many cases, however, these traces can easily be removed without having to consult a specialist.

A glass table is a handsome item in the home, but unfortunately glass panels are not one of the toughest surfaces, so scratches can occur in many everyday movements. You can always remove cuts of this kind yourself, so that costly craftsmanship is not necessary. Depending on the shopping possibilities and the type of waste, we will give you several options for how to proceed with the removal. But first of all it should be said that not every kind of blemish can be repaired on own initiative. With deep cuts in the glass, which are not created by the everyday use, even the best household tricks can not eliminate anything.

List of materials:

  • Canada balsam
  • glass polish
  • polishing cloth
  • abrasive paper
  • polishing paste
  • polishing cloth
  • grinding machine
  • water
  • glass cleaner
  • sponge
  • microfiber cloth

All steps at a glance

Step 1
Analyze the condition of the glass surface and agree on the type of treatment

step 2
Clean the appropriate places from dirt and glass splinters

step 3
The repair of the scratch with resin or sandpaper

Step 4
Polishing the glass surface

Step 5
Clean the glass

Instructions - Remove scratches on glass table

provide overview

First and foremost, the glass surface must be thoroughly checked. There is a clear difference in what types of scratches have been created.

If it is normal everyday traces, the removal on their own often successful. These traces are created over time: glasses and bottles are turned off, the remote controls lie on the glass table or the cat runs with its claws over the glass surface. It becomes problematic if the incision happens through a (one-time) accident. This can be the case if, for example, a guest slips unnoticed with a button on his pants over the glass table. Or a heavy object is dropped onto the glass plate, leaving a deep impact mark. Frequently, self-removal without residues is not possible in such accidents, so a glazier must be assigned.

When inspecting the disc must be examined in any case for cracks. If a crack has formed in part of the disc during impact or scratching, it must be repaired by the professional in any case. A crack can not be removed by itself and can also enlarge and make the entire glass table unusable, which would not help anyone.

Tip: If the glass pane is transportable, it can easily be presented to the next glazier. This can correctly assess the scratches and tell openly whether a repair by the professional really is necessary.

Mending with Canada balsam

A method for slightly thicker cuts in the glass is the so-called Canada balsam. This is the tree resin of the Canadian balsam fir, which is transparent in the dry state. This adhesive can be found in a larger hardware store or ordered on the Internet. Canada balsam has similar properties to glass and is therefore great for mending deeper cuts. The resin is soft, milky and smells fresh when purchased.

Canada balsam

The incision in the glass plate must be cleaned before treatment. Dirt and broken glass would worsen the end result, which should be avoided. The clean scratch must now be completely filled with the Canada balsam. It is important to ensure that no air bubbles or bubbles. Following this, remnants of the resin must be scraped off to form a smooth glass surface. Now the resin has to be given enough time to harden. The scratch should be completely smoothed at the end of this curing time. However, there is no guarantee that no optical damage will be left behind.

Tip: The cleaning must be done thoroughly. If necessary, wash with water or take a brush for this.

Sand the glass table gently

If a pane of glass has a lot of fine scratches, the method to remove it with a resin is rather unsuitable. It would have to be filled all the small waste paper with the Canada balsam and a scrap of the remains is also not cost effective. In such a case, the many small scratch marks sandpaper is the better home remedy.


First of all, however, it has to be checked whether the glass table has a certain thickness, so that it is still resistant even after the ground-off of a certain glass layer. With the sanding paper, the glass surface must be smoothed off several times during the sanding process. Too much pressure will create new waste, so it is important to avoid this. It helps to use coarser sandpaper first to sand the surface of the glass to the depth of the scratches and then take finer paper. The glass is smooth again with the fine sandpaper. It is also important that a good deal of sand is applied to all parts of the glass, otherwise unevenness will occur. It should be noted, however, that after the grinding process a fatigue of the glass is unavoidable, which can still be seen after polishing.

Tip: As the sandpaper bears a harder pressure on the glass table, you should not press with the entire weight on the plate, but if possible put it vertically or support from below.

Use a sander

A similar method to manual grinding is the use of a grinding machine. Again, make sure that the glass plate is thick enough and can not break so easily. The use of a machine, however, must be done very carefully, as much force is introduced and the glass can break quickly. In addition, even more attention must be paid to a uniform processing of the entire glass plate. A grinder can be lent at the hardware store, should none belong to the home workshop. There are various essays on such a grinding machine, which have a different grain size.

However, it is important to start with a fine sandpaper so that the machine's strength can be known. In addition, it is helpful to train on a piece of wood or an unneeded glass plate, when rarely used with the machine, or at least the material glass is not so well known. The sanding machine can be used in the same way as with the use of sandpaper, except that the craftsman receives mechanical support here.

Tip: In the case of a grinding machine from the DIY store, the specialist can be interviewed on site for the best settings.


Both in the decision for the Canada balsam as well as in the choice of the grinding process, the glass table must be polished afterwards. This gives it its shine back and any soiling and finest bumps are finally eliminated. Apply some polishing paste for glass over the entire surface and then rub in with a polishing cloth. Depending on the instructions for use, this paste must be applied several times or it requires a certain exposure time. Here the user manual of the product can be followed. With glass cleaner and sponge, the disc finally gets a new shine and should have returned to its original form. Nevertheless, the risk of optical weakness due to the visibility of resin or dullness of the glass is always present.

Tip: When polishing and then washing the disc, any jewelry should be placed on the hands so that the next traces are not left with rings or bracelets.

Walk to the glazier

The actual repair process in-house is completed at this point. It must now be seen whether the measures taken have led to a success. If this is not the case, the specialist must be visited. A glazier often has other options to remove scratches and other blemishes from a glass plate. A cost estimate helps to assess whether a repair should be completed or whether it is no longer worthwhile. Much depends on the ideal value of an object. Caution is advised when a Glaser wants to replace the entire glass and directly precludes a repair in advance. In such a case, a second opinion should be obtained in order not to unnecessarily increase the costs. The transport of the glass plate to the glazier is often cumbersome. However, some craftsmen also offer an on-site service, where the glazier comes home and repairs there.

Tip: The internet offers a large selection of glaziers. Evaluation portals are a good value for money, so that the Glaser of confidence can be booked.

Protect glass table from scratches

In order to keep the glass table permanently in good condition, you can make some precautions in advance. The easiest way is of course to hang the entire table with a blanket, which has the disadvantage that the glass would then no longer be visible and the table would thus lose its optical particularity. When using it is important to ensure that glasses, plates or bottles do not come into contact with the table, but always worked with coasters. Also, remote controls or other everyday items should not be stored on the table, but in boxes or drawers. This reduces signs of wear. If a lamp should hang over the table, the glass plate must be protected, if a bulb has to be replaced. Also, heavy objects should never be kept over the table as there is always the risk of them being dropped.

Basically, it can be said that with a prudent behavior, a glass plate can be permanently protected.

Instructions for quick readers

  • Define the type of tracks
  • Too deep scratches can not be repaired by yourself
  • Have cracks checked by a specialist
  • To agree on resin or grinding method
  • Remove dirt and splinters at the workplace
  • Fill in resin without air holes
  • Work evenly while grinding
  • First coarse sandpaper, then finer
  • Be careful with the grinder
  • Try on wood or old glass
  • Finally, polish and clean
  • In case of emergency, switch on a glazier
  • Find out the best value for money on the internet
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Remove Scratches on Glass / Glass Table - Tips to Remove