Home Crochet baby clothesMaggots in the garbage bin - what to do? 7 quick home remedies

Maggots in the garbage bin - what to do? 7 quick home remedies

  • Prevent maggots
  • Fight maggots: the home remedies
    • quicklime
    • Lime and rock flour
    • salt and pepper
    • vinegar
    • Natural predators
    • Flycatchers

When the summer is in full swing, insects of all kinds roam near human dwellings. Here they find food in abundance and especially garbage cans are a true banquet for flies dar. Often, the shock is great when the bio bin is opened and at once numerous maggots frolicking joyfully in the bin. Only home remedies help.

Flies in the apartment are just annoying. They are constantly humming something around their heads, making themselves wide on cakes and in drinking glasses, and fly loudly against the glass. In itself, flies and houseflies are not really bad, because they leave the man alone and compared to mosquitoes are not on blood. Nevertheless, they have the habit of pulling their offspring into the garbage can, which then causes an unpleasant surprise when it is opened. Maggots about maggots enjoy the scraps of food in the garbage can and the first disgust follows the question of what remedies work against them.

Prevent maggots

The garbage bin is the perfect place for maggots to gather enough food for pupation and subsequent transformation into the adult animal. The adult animals have an excellent odor sensor and quickly find individual leftovers or garbage cans, which are also covered with eggs during feeding. Within a period of a few days to several weeks, a few millennia-old maggots hatch from these glands, feeding on organic garbage. To avoid this case, you should note the following points:

  • Firmly close the lid of the bin, special sealing rubbers are suitable for this purpose
  • choose shady, cool location as this slows down the decomposition process
  • Clean tons regularly with water, for example a high-pressure cleaner or garden hose
  • after cleaning, let the drum dry upside down
  • Vinegar water for rinsing is also suitable because flies avoid this odor
  • Do not dispose of animal remains (meat, bones, fish skin and others) in the biowaste bin, which are included in the residual waste - this also includes products such as cheese or sausage
  • Pack organic waste and animal remains either in newspaper or biodegradable trash bags
  • Flies are not strong enough to get through packaging, which makes reproduction impossible
  • Prevent a possible infestation by fly screens or nets in the apartment
  • In fact, fly eggs can already be put into the trash
  • a cool apartment in the summer reduces the chance of oviposition by insects
  • even if your garbage cans are only half full, put them on the side of the road every time you empty them
  • the less organic material stores in these for a long time, the lower the chance of maggots
  • Place dry materials such as grass clippings, cat litter or rodent wood for rodents on the s of the bin
  • This layer has a drying effect and thus prevents odors
  • Also mix these materials regularly under the waste over the summer
  • Hang cotton cloths drizzled with vinegar or oil of orange, lavender or tea tree on the lid
  • Flies avoid these odors

In general, it comes in the prevention of maggots in the garbage on the prevention. Home remedies are effective, but save yourself a lot of work as soon as you follow these tips. Flies focus primarily on carrion and for this reason it is essential not to throw animal remains into organic waste. These decompose faster through plant materials and often cause a stinking stock on the barrel bottom, which attracts especially many flies. The drier and more vegetal the garbage is, the less interest they have. Dripping waste should generally be wrapped in special bags to prevent leakage.

Tip: Use a special bio-cover for the dustbin. This is a device that does not allow rotten odors to escape from the barrel, causing the flies to pick up no trace.

Fight maggots: the home remedies

The home remedies aim primarily to prevent the settlement of maggots or kill them effectively. This is usually done by substances that remove the important moisture from the larvae and allow them to completely dry out. Since these are not chemical agents, you can use them without hesitation, but with care, of course. An advantage of many of these home remedies is the easy availability, as they are either directly in your own household or, for example, in the construction or supermarket can be found. The following remedies have been proven against the disgusting animals:

  • quicklime
  • lime
  • rock flour
  • salt and pepper
  • vinegar
  • natural predators
  • homemade fly traps


Quicklime is calcium oxide, which is mainly used in the garden area as a fertilizer, even if the main use is the construction site. Burnt lime is used there for plaster or mortar. This lime variant is extremely aggressive and makes short work of the maggot plague, as contact with moisture causes a corrosive effect. So the maggots have no chance to counter the home remedy and the garbage can be freed from the animals. They burn immediately after the quicklime gets in contact with them and with the substance they can even handle large populations within a few applications. Please note:

  • Quicklime for the garden is available in the hardware store, the garden center or the Internet for about ten euros for ten kilograms
  • You need protective clothing (gloves, goggles, respirator or mouthguard)
  • Be sure to use as little of the quicklime as possible
  • Never use quick lime indoors
  • not usable in a garbage bin made of metal

Just add a little of the lime directly to the maggots and the powder or granules will react with the animals. The larvae consist of 90 percent water and thus the corrosive effect in a few seconds. Alternatively, mix the agent in an acid-resistant container with water and gently pour into the affected dustbin. Take special care with this home remedy so that you do not injure yourself.

Lime and rock flour

As an alternative to burnt lime, you can choose conventional lime or rock flour from the hardware store. Rock flour is usually extracted from volcanic rock and basalt. Both substances are used in the garden to improve soil quality while acting deadly on the maggots. Again, the animals are pulled by the substances, the moisture on the body and they die within a short time. Although these two substances take longer to work, but are not so dangerous in the application.

Tip: If your compost is attacked by maggots, you should definitely use lime here, as it also protects against vermin that use maggots as a source of food. An example of this is rats.

salt and pepper

Salt is also a dehydrating substance and has a fast and devastating effect on the animals. As with lime or rock flour, simply take a generous amount of salt of any kind and sprinkle it in the dustbin. Do not forget the lid here. To increase the effectiveness, you can also make a saline solution and spray the maggots in the dustbin with it. The same goes for the pepper. Boil one liter of water and then add one tablespoon of pepper. Stir, let cool and pour over a spray bottle on the pests. Pepper also has a disinfecting effect on the affected area.


Vinegar is a true miracle cure for flies. Even the smell dispels the adult specimens and Essigessenz you can effectively combat the maggots. Use classic vinegar essence from the supermarket and mix three to five tablespoons with one liter of water. Then pour the s into a spray bottle and treat the inside of the dustbin with the home remedy. The corrosive effect of vinegar is here, which causes the maggots to die.

Natural predators

Maggots are a special snack for numerous predators of the insects. In Germany, these are rarely sown, but the native birds are perfect as an insect killing. In the cool morning hours, before the sun is too high, leave the lid of the barrel open and numerous birds will linger at the feast. After one to two hours, the lid should be closed again so that the heat of noon attracts no more flies. Of course, this form is a bit more difficult to implement in the city.


Adult and newly grown flies can be fought with a self-made fly trap. To do this you use a vessel that you fill with a mixture of water, fruit juice and vinegar in the distribution 3: 2: 1. Add to that a drop of detergent to relax the water surface. The flies now want to liven up the fruit juice, do not smell the vinegar and drown due to the detergent. Alternatively, a sugar water solution is suitable, which makes the flies really stick.

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