Home Crochet baby clothesMake autumn decoration with chestnuts - instructions and creative ideas

Make autumn decoration with chestnuts - instructions and creative ideas

  • Make autumn decoration with chestnuts
    • Instructions Chestnut Fantasy Animal
    • Instructions chestnut heart
    • Instructions reindeer head
    • Instructions knight male

Autumn has arrived and leaves the summer behind. Now the leaves of the trees are colorfully colored. Nature is changing and producing a variety of fruits, such as chestnuts. This makes a wonderful autumn decoration with chestnuts tinker.

Make autumn decoration with chestnuts

Make very individual things, we give you guidance and creative ideas. Let your craftsmanship and your little ones run wild. Making a fall decoration with chestnuts is also a wonderful decoration for your home or for the children's room of your little ones. With our free and simple guide, you can realize in a flash special autumn chestnut decoration. Or maybe you still need a matching, cute gift for your next visit to your loved one "> Instructions Chestnut Fantasy Animal

You need the following materials:

  • collected chestnuts, fresh or dried
  • shish kebab sticks
  • beige felt
  • a pair of shaky eyes
  • Decoration material like little colorful felt pompon balls
  • Scissors, possibly small pointed nail scissors (for holes)
  • a hand wood drill (not for children - CAUTION, if the little ones mitbasteln!)
  • a pointed stick tool (not for children - CAUTION, when the smallest tinker!)
  • Hot glue or craft glue

Step 1: Pick up a larger chestnut to form the body of the chestnut animal. Get your shish kebab ready. Now, use the pointed wand tool or another pointed object. With this you now punch four holes in the underside of the chestnut. CAUTION, when tinkering with children, the Bar Tool and the Hand Wood Drill pose high risk of injury.

Tip: If the chestnuts are still too hard, then take the hand wood drill for this first step. This makes it easier for you to attach the hole openings for the legs.

Step 2: Then take a shisha stick and put it in the first hole opening. The leg length can be set as desired. Cut the shashlik sticks to the desired length with scissors.

Tip: Turn the individual bars of the legs slightly and test the stability of the carcass with the attached legs. If the shish sticks do not hold by themselves, apply some hot glue to the ends that are inserted into the chestnut and glue the legs so tightly.

Step 3: Take another chestnut, this will form the head and pierce into this again a small hole, so big that the wooden stick fits in well. Repeat the step again from the animal body and then connect the head to the carcass by connecting both with the wooden stick.

With a next chestnut, repeat the whole thing from above again and attach the chewed on a shish kebab chestnut on the back of the animal body, where it forms the tail.

Step 4: Now the face is brought to life. Glue a few loose eyes and a pompom felt ball as a nose on the head area with hot glue or Bastelleim.

Step 5: Cut a previously folded triangle from a small piece of beige felt. Hit the two outer sides inwards, towards the middle. Now fix the slightly overlapping felt parts with a little hot glue. This is the cap of our chestnut animal, fix it with some hot glue on the chestnut head.

Tip: Instead of felt, you can also make a hat made of paper, colored, thin construction paper or sample paper.

And already the first figure is made as an autumn decoration with chestnuts.

Instructions chestnut heart

You need the following materials:

  • collected chestnuts, fresh or dried
  • thicker, well bendable wire in light brown
  • small wooden bead
  • Scissors, possibly small pointed nail scissors (for holes)
  • small pliers for twisting the wire ends at the completion of the heart
  • a hand wood drill (not for children - CAUTION, if the little ones mitbasteln!)
  • a pointed stick tool (not for children - CAUTION, when the smallest tinker!)

Step 1: In this step, use the wood drill to drill a hole in each chestnut in the middle. Depending on how big your chestnut heart is going to end up, you will need more or less chestnuts.

Tip: Instead of a wood hand drill, you can also use a cordless screwdriver. For smaller and shallower chestnuts, the sharp rod tool is also suitable for piercing holes through the chestnuts.

Step 2: First thread a chestnut with a good 60 cm long piece of the well-flexible wire. The chestnut is in the middle of the entire wire length. Now pass one end of the wire through the chestnut one more time. Both ends of the wire lead you through the newly created wire loop. Thread the next chestnut through both wire ends.

Step 3: Right and left now thread the next chestnuts. The amount of threaded chestnuts also depends on your desired end size of your chestnut heart.

Tip: If your piece of wire should be too short, you can also easily attach a piece of wire. The new piece of wire lead you through the last chestnut, twist it around the thickness of the chestnut and then thread through the now double wire on more chestnuts. The end of the short wire bend upwards around the chestnut that has been applied last. Take the small pliers here, so twisting the wire ends will be easier and better.

Step 4: When all the chestnuts are threaded, take one last chestnut and pass the wire ends through them. Now put a small wooden bead on the wires and twist the wire ends upwards over the wooden ball. Cut off protruding wire.

And there you go, your very own chestnut heart is ready, which is just waiting to be given away to your loved one.

Instructions reindeer head

You need the following materials:

  • collected chestnuts, fresh or dried
  • small, thin twigs, also those of acorns
  • beige felt
  • a pair of shaky eyes or acorn hats from acorns
  • Decoration material like little colorful felt pompon balls
  • Scissors, possibly small pointed nail scissors (for holes)
  • a hand wood drill (not for children - CAUTION, if the little ones mitbasteln!)
  • a pointed stick tool (not for children - CAUTION, when the smallest tinker!)

Step 1: First, use the Pointed Tool or the Woodcraft Drill to begin drilling or drilling two holes in the upper front of the Chestnut. Use a small branch as antler and put it in the hole opening. Do the same with the opposite side.

Tip: Do not hold the small branches by themselves, take some hot glue again for fixing. Alternatively, you can also use wire or felt as the material for the antler shape.

Step 2: Using beige felt, cut out small triangular pieces by laying the felt over each other as shown in the pictures and cutting them with scissors. Roll the felt triangle together and fix it with some hot glue. Make the whole thing twice, then glue the ears to the head area and the antlers with hot glue. The nose again forms a felt-pom-pom ball, here, of course, in bright red.

Step 3: Now attach some wiggle eyes or the acorn hats, as eyes, to the reindeer head.

And then your next crafting idea on theme Autumn decoration with chestnut crafting realized.

Instructions knight male

You need the following materials:

  • collected chestnuts, fresh or dried
  • small, thin twigs, also those of acorns
  • the outer shell of chestnut fruits
  • Acorn hats of acorns as eyes
  • Scissors, possibly small pointed nail scissors (for holes)
  • a hand wood drill (not for children - CAUTION, if the little ones mitbasteln!)
  • a pointed stick tool (not for children - CAUTION, when the smallest tinker!)

Step 1: First and foremost, look for a chestnut that fits in an outer shell of a chestnut fruit. Or you have matching the right chestnut to the outer shell, that's perfect. Stick the chestnut to the outer shell with a little hot glue.

Step 2: Use a chestnut that is flat on one side as a base for the knight male. Above that comes another chestnut as a body. Fix foot part, body and head part with hot glue. Do not use too little hot glue here, otherwise the individual parts of the body will not stick together.

Tip: You can also assemble the body parts with small matches or small pieces of shish kebab, then insert the holes in the chestnuts again at the appropriate places.

Step 3: Finally, attach another piece of the chestnut outer shell to the side of the knight male with some hot glue. The shield of the knight. As a sword, fasten a small twig on the opposite side, before putting a hole again with just this point using the pointed rod tool. Finally, stick two acorn hats as eyes on the head area.

Tip: Alternatively, you can also use wobbly eyes, small buttons or small beads.

We wish you and your little ones a lot of fun and joy when working on them.

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